Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [prep] [being] " in BNC.

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1 He told his audience at the French Academy of Political and Moral Sciences : ‘ One of the joys for me of being in France is that you have a particularly strong sense of the ultimate cost to the human spirit of unrelenting migration from the countryside to the big cities . ’
2 At first it was felt that this was caused by their failure to understand what was required of them despite being notified by the Board , the NEC , through the pages of The Embalmer as well as at Divisional meetings , but it is apparent that there is an element of tutors who deliberately do not follow the guidelines and rules , ignore well publicised and individually notified closing dates for entry and submission of coursework results , presumably to try and ‘ force ’ the Institute to return to the ‘ old ’ system .
3 Certainly the sting had gone out of the words ; I could think of them without being quite so ashamed .
4 For two days running , thousands of commuters had to leave trains to walk along the tracks , some of them after being stranded between stations for six hours .
5 It was awkward too , as he could hardly walk past them without being recognized .
6 ‘ When she behaves like a Sharina , she blames people 's dislike of her on being a foreigner , ’ sighed Jane .
7 Remember a couple of weeks ago when you were taking the piss out of him for being scruffy , you told him not to come in again unless he was wearing a tie .
8 She was n't sure about the ‘ and so on ’ , but there did n't seem to be any way out of it without being churlish .
9 I mean one thinks of it like being alive in a box , one keeps forgetting to take into account the fact that one is dead … which should make a difference … should n't it ?
10 So , first of all when we 're thinking about our objectives , we 've actually got to think of it in being achievable .
11 Immediately after take-off we passed San Sebastián on the north side of the coastline , making sure that another G-registered aeroplane heading in the opposite direction was south of it before being handed on to Bilbao .
12 She probably thinks a lot more about you for being able
13 Where a week ago a man could stand up to his full height behind them without being seen , now he had to stoop ; tomorrow , perhaps , he would have to get down on his hands and knees .
14 ‘ Mr Wood says he 's never known nobody like you for bein' clean . ’
15 Some mannerisms may not be of great use to the interviewer in assessing your character but they may work against you by being irritating .
16 For example , many people at the Royal Brompton and National Heart hospital tell me that some of the special health authorities should be allowed to win new patients and the money that comes with them by being allowed to work in the internal market .
17 His young wife went with him despite being three months pregnant .
18 Our true guide should be their perceived needs , their ‘ simple ’ appetitive desires devoid of the human implications that ‘ desire ’ carries with it of being self-conscious .
19 ‘ I do n't expect miracles from him after being out of the first team for seven weeks .
20 And then , as a schoolgirl , Molly had further distanced herself from him by being good at mathematics .
21 The responsibility that you lay upon us in being involved in your harvest at this time .
22 Your stepson has to get used to a whole new family , which is a big shock for him after being an only child .
23 Under the gruff tones she could feel his sympathy for her at being placed in such an awkward situation , and she made an effort to summon up some anger at his being sorry for her , but she could n't .
24 Kelly could see her clothes in the corner across the room , but she needed to get to them without being jumped by this barrel of lard .
25 Even-more significant for their future growth , Merton has expanded the field of candidates open to them by being able to search globally , as a member of Transearch , a group of internationally affiliated consultancies in fifteen major business centres .
26 ‘ they 're going to give it to me for being such a nice chap and because I want this guitar so badly . ’
27 Quite a few prisoners have mentioned it to me without being prompted
28 But other people have voluntarily talked to me about being gay in the context of AIDS .
29 In a letter of 1955 Tolkien had rather laughed at the idea that Willow-man and the wights were agents of the Dark Lord : ‘ Can not people imagine things hostile to men and hobbits who prey on them without being in league with the Devil ! ’
30 Apart from the bike messengers , that was , and these were easy to distinguish because they were young and wiry and bizarrely dressed , and their eyes seemed to have a certain glaze on them from being on a permanent adrenaline high .
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