Example sentences of "[prep] [pers pn] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is , of course , very easy to pay too much attention to the famous names in Nonconformity , partially because of their importance , partially because information about them is more readily available and partially because they tended to be more involved in politics .
2 My first impressions about them are usually right and I can also tell if someone 's pretty without seeing them . ’
3 On the other hand , T. Rex might have looked really good but everything else about them was so naïve and teenybopperish that you could n't really admit to your mates that you liked them .
4 Her judgements about them were later reinforced .
5 It got harder to laugh at the weekly brace of ‘ Kurt Is Dead ’ stories when various credible sources were whispering about Cobain and partner Courtney Love doing heroin together , about them being completely out of it all at their wedding in Hawaii , about them going into detox and then quitting .
6 There are lots of screams coming from universities about them being hard done by , being cut back financially and so on so forth .
7 worried about them being so far as they 've the only child , and talked them into come down and live with us , so then I applied and got a move to just after it was built , which was a four bedroom house .
8 ‘ Both the nursing staff and the ancillary were doubtful about me being there .
9 David was n't very happy about me being so blunt , but I think in a way it made him realise that I was really straightforward and that I really did care .
10 ‘ She 's got this thing about me being so bloody cautious about everything .
11 The optimism of 1959 which runs through them is quite breathtaking at this distance in time : ‘ Some experts insist on talking as if the only choices were immediate surrender , immediate preventive war or eventual world annihilation , ’ Kahn declared .
12 However , they normally obtained the most competitive prices through cooperatives and the volume of business through them was very large .
13 Though the result were decisive , the reason for them is rather less clear .
14 What social services ought this generation to be constructing which the next or next but one will erect when the need for them is already yielding place to others ?
15 The justification for them is well established : many local government services are required by national legislation , local variations in needs and resources can be equalized by grant adjustments , the impact of the regressive rating system can be reduced , and so on .
16 I think a lot of commentators were surprised when Arsenal paid so much money for Ian but his phenomenal strike-rate for them is probably why transfer prices have gone through the roof .
17 stuff that you learn for them is even better then the revision
18 This for them is just one step along the way .
19 Most are not pure public goods and charging for them is technically possible .
20 Life for them is often considerably less planned ore predictable !
21 Even more worrying is that in some LEAs the uptake of free school meals by those eligible for them is less then 65 per cent .
22 The problem is one which affects all libraries which follow a responsible programme of binding , since , for reasons both of conservation and security , serial parts must be bound as early as possible , with the result that they tend to become unavailable for consultation at a time when demand for them is relatively high .
23 What he has done for them is as various as the media he uses .
24 Bodies such as the Kenya Institute of Education with some thirty full-time professional staff and the Zambia Curriculum Development Centre with about forty , would claim , probably rightly , that they were still understaffed and often experience difficulty in securing the release of the most able teachers from schools and colleges , but the provision made for them is certainly more realistic than that available in University Institutes like those in Ahmadu Bello or Sierra Leone .
25 What we 're going to do for them is certainly provide a free of charge product , it 's the numbers
26 Accounting for them is therefore different .
27 BEST OF THE REST The casting of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny De Vito as Twins ( PG CIC ) is funny in itself , and the comedy that Ivan Reitman ( Ghostbusters ) has fashioned for them is consistently inventive .
28 Similarly , all engineers should seek to ensure that they receive the education and training they need , and that those working for them are also suitably developed .
29 Making the assumption that such men have working-class occupations , Sullivan argues that the housing options for them are very limited after divorce , more limited than for women who , if they have been left as single parents relying upon state benefits for their income , probably will qualify for local authority housing .
30 This is fun I like talking into This diagram shows the reach or an airline distances are in kilometres the figures for them are only rough one , a jet flies from Beirut
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