Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Darren Wigg ( Newcastle ) won the award for 11–12-year-old boys with four first places , and Mark Bewick ( Sunderland ) topped the 13–14 group with a hat-trick of wins .
2 Apart from certain exceptional cases , a trustee is entitled to no remuneration for his trouble , unless the terms of the trust so direct , and is liable not only for dishonest dealing with the trust property , but for all loss due either to non-observance of the directions in the settlement and the general rules of law , or to failure on his part to act up to the high standard of care which equity and statute law require of him .
3 5 ) The main priority was to develop databases which could be shared between members of the group and used as introductory material for school librarians who had newly acquired microcomputers .
4 Francis and Wollen have also contributed articles ( one each ) both of which appear in both books as introductory statements on the Situationist International .
5 What is often overlooked because of Cuba 's active ( although never particularly substantial ) support for armed struggle in Latin America later in the 1960s is that , initially , the Castro regime made consistent attempts to build diplomatic relations with its hemispheric neighbours .
6 Employers refused to recognize their right to negotiate and called freely upon the State for armed support against worker protest , as in the case of the Lena goldfields strike in 1912 .
7 As with all the items listed so far , there will normally be compromises necessary in most schools as few of us work in ideal premises ; this calls for advance consideration of the possibilities and contingency planning .
8 It is understood that a number of applications for advance clearance under s 707 for such arrangements have been refused .
9 From the spring of 1965 an understanding of a sort emerged whereby Britain would give general diplomatic support in return for advance information of major American military moves in Vietnam .
10 Examination of records available on smoking related activity in the control schools indicated that pupils in half of the schools had been exposed to some incidental and unplanned smoking education through events such as No Smoking Day or through associated teaching in home economics or biology .
11 Maternal mental illness may adversely affect a child both directly — causing neglect , physical harm , and psychological upset — and indirectly — through associated features of the illness such as marital disharmony and repeated admissions to hospital .
12 I 'm not sure about rhyming perestroika with balalaika , Chas Garvey , but I 'll let it pass .
13 Only Rugby Union holds out against the commercial tide despite widespread speculation about covert payments to players .
14 Even so , code switching in such conversations is the norm for British-born speakers in my sample .
15 By contrast , the report calls for professional investors to be exposed to the principle of ‘ caveat emptor ’ — ‘ let the buyer beware ’ .
16 Membership of leisure clubs is on the increase due to a growing demand for professional instruction in keeping fit .
17 In fact , she returned to Kensington Palace for professional treatment for her chronic depression .
18 As we have shown , it remained a separate establishment following the reorganization of public sector higher education in Wales and it is now widely recognized as a national institution offering full-time and part-time courses for professional performers of Music and Drama , together with honours BEd .
19 This year , in prize money alone , there is well over $100m available for professional players round the world , including team events such as The David Cup and The Federation Cup .
20 Relatives who are carers may also find that the requirement for professional support to be given locally infringes on their own rights to privacy .
21 showed low levels of support for informal care packages and a preference for professional support in the community , and this suggests that dependence on state services may be preferred to dependence upon kin .
22 Reg Pyne , director for professional conduct at the UKCC , has suggested six definitions of the Code :
23 Against that , though , each type-face that a software company has title to stands to be widely licensed , and the demand for professional printing from computer-owning desk-top publishers has become much greater .
24 This four year degree is in Primary Education , and prepares students for professional work in Nursery and Infant or Junior schools .
25 The ‘ bibliographical division ’ is divided into subject groups , each of which is responsible for professional duties in one service point of the authority , and also for all the bibliographical responsibilities in the subject field allocated to it .
26 Hospitality is the magazine for professional managers in the hotel and catering industry and now reaching all of its senior executives .
27 If the patient has problems with his employer , he may need to apply for professional help through his social worker .
28 Window dressing is incredibly important , change the window every other day if possible , look for professional help in every aspect .
29 In Sutcliffe v Thackrah [ 1974 ] AC 727 the House of Lords overruled Chambers v Goldthorpe ( see 14.3.5 ) , and held that an architect certifying payments due to a contractor under a building contract was liable for professional negligence to his client the employer .
30 It arose out of an action for professional negligence against a firm of accountants , but the person bringing the action went bankrupt .
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