Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The High Availability Work Group is supposed to provide requirements for technologies that by 1995 will give System V a Class 4 Availability Rate meaning less than an hour of downtime a year in a 24 hour-a-day seven-day-a-week operating situation .
2 Actions and objects are treated as signs that in certain situations form meaningful structures — myths .
3 The fabliaux as a whole clearly imply a system of values that in many respects is quite conventional , and it is one of these values that directs that the lecherous priest should be the type that suffers most from the poetic justice of these texts .
4 In the past , unification of phenomena that at first sight appear independent has signified great progress in physics .
5 In the twentieth century , much of this open country has been put under another alien regime — huge shrouds of conifers that during the 1980s gave tax relief to absentee entrepreneurs and speculators .
6 They had detached themselves from the torrent of peoples that in prehistory had poured out of China onto the countless islands of the Pacific and , settling the eastern coastal strip of the Indochina peninsula , they had named their country Nam Viet — Land of the Southern Viet People .
7 We found that the number of visits that on average that they can do has increased by four or five hundred per cent .
8 The type of analyses that in one company may be conducted with a view to maintaining strategic control and identifying the early signals of a need to change the product mix may in other companies be conducted largely at the pre-investment stage .
9 People expect of a theory of origins that in some way or other it gives them some quite privileged and special position , and they feel undermined and threatened by a theory of origin which does n't say something really rather special about them .
10 There are thousands of buildings that despite being interesting and attractive — and perhaps important on a local scale — are not ‘ listable ’ in themselves ; that is to say , they are not of sufficient architectural or historic interest to merit individual protection .
11 Anyway , it 's a bit of a can of worms that to be quite honest
12 In other Words to the Damd Villans of Farmers that with hold the Corn …
13 I have suggested that one of the difficulties facing a writer is the posing of questions that in a sense underpin the surface of the text .
14 ‘ Happy Game ’ , for instance , has a chorus about celebrating the end of an unhappy relationship , a state of affairs that in ‘ Immigrants … ’ days would have seen the band crying their guitars out at high speed for three minutes or so .
15 It was this colony of gannets that in 1860 was joined by a black-browed albatross , a lost wanderer from the southern oceans .
16 From his field-study of the species Bertram has drawn up a list of features that in general characterize the lion pride .
17 Nobody seems to have put astronomy near chemistry ; and the trouble with all series is that progress often seems to happen on the frontiers of sciences that on the philosopher 's map seem as far apart as Finland and Portugal .
18 Such a device could not be trusted , and it was the hope of scientists that in place of rules of thumb properly scientific methods could be widely taught .
19 And we actually then went down and we looked all over the place and there are quite a number of pallets that in fact are not properly stacked .
20 Such clichés fill her first speech of welcome to Wilekin with a set of offers that for the reader and writer are ironically naive in the context of which we are aware : ( " If you like , come and sit , and what your will is , let me know , my dear life .
21 To a large extent we have to infer the nature of this earliest division from what we can learn of later arrangements ; in particular we are told by Gregory of Tours that in 561 Clovis 's grandsons took over the kingdoms of the previous generation ; thus , Charibert I ( 561 – 7 ) received the portion of Childebert I ( 511 – 58 ) , based on Paris ; Guntram ( 561 – 92 ) that of Chlodomer ( 511 – 24 ) , with its centre at Orléans ; Chilperic I ( 561 – 84 ) was given the kingdom of Soissons , once held by Chlothar I ( 511 – 61 ) ; while Sigibert I ( 561 – 75 ) inherited the realm of Theuderic I ( 511 – 34 ) and his descendants , Theudebert I ( 534 – 47 ) and Theudebald ( 547 – 55 ) , and established himself at Rheims .
22 It is a persistent complaint of runners that in the drive to innovate with new models , manufacturers frequently discontinue their favourite shoes .
23 In the next generation , Odo and Robert followed suit , receiving Charles 's favour in the form of lands that in fact belonged to the church of Rheims ( the see 's continuing vacancy since Ebbo 's second departure in 841 had left its property at the king 's disposal ) .
24 It 's taken the most advanced microprocessor technology available today to create a range of instruments that at long last combine absolute accuracy and reliability with … simplicity !
25 Hence the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act of 1970 expects local authorities to provide a range and scale of services that in practice they rarely can .
26 However , we now have a chance to remove the fear from the minds of women that for too long the attitude to rape has been based on the unspoken belief that , in the end , no woman will refuse the sexual advances of a dominant man and that ‘ No ’ , whatever the circumstances in which it is said , is simply a ‘ tease ’ and that women never mean it .
27 Lymphocytes and macrophages ( see Boxes B and C ) are two kinds of cells that by close cooperation between all their different forms are responsible for immunity from harmful infection .
28 The signal box is the setting for an unexplained sequence of events that to this day have puzzled the local authorities .
29 Governments were weak , ideological divisions great : in the press apparent pluralism masked what the left termed ‘ a financial oligarchy ’ ; banks and industry and other ‘ forces of capitalism ’ controlled newspapers , including titles that in the inter-war years veered to the right ; press barons diversified into radio — as did their successors , often illegally , a half-century later .
30 He encouraged himself with promises that after ten paces he could rest , then demanded of himself that he manage another five and another five until he lost count of how far he 'd come and how far he had to go .
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