Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 Retreat for marchers fleeing them was blocked by a cordon at the other end of Duke Street , where police also charged the demonstrators .
2 A total of 1,681 left-wing guerrillas , representing about 20 per cent of the forces of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) , reportedly handed over their weapons to members of the UN Observer Mission in El Salvador ( ONUSAL ) on June 30 in return for certificates identifying them as ex-combatants eligible for bank loans and training programmes .
3 However , assuming the properties are significant assets , a full investigation of title is to be preferred to either reliance upon a certificate from the vendor 's solicitors that the vendor has a good and marketable title ( since certificates of title are qualified and their benefit depends upon the status of the firm of solicitors providing them ) or reliance upon warranties and indemnities alone since the purchaser would rather have problems disclosed before the purchase than have to rely upon a right to sue under warranties which will be subject to general limitations .
4 Anglian Water Authority refused to attend the meeting of residents in Oakham because of rules preventing them discussing matters that might depress the share price during privatisation , and because there was little information available .
5 Carpets , tiles and flooring , the Steamatic helps revive all sorts of surfaces leaving them more hygienic , cleaner and brighter .
6 It could be useful when we get the usual clutch of nutters claiming they 're the Whistler .
7 Remember we are concerned eventually to account for the repeatable contribution constituents make to the significance of signals involving them ; this being of the essence when syntax is recursive , or creative .
8 Bangkok is well supplied with ‘ shooting galleries ’ where pushers go down lines of addicts giving them all a fix with the same needle .
9 Unfortunately for Carrick he was quickly reduced to the rank of a ‘ common gauger ’ when an anonymous letter was received by the Board of Commissioners advising them that all of the excise supervisors in Scotland systematically maintained false diaries allegedly recording their activities .
10 Suddenly she realised that another pair of hands was piling rugs on and a pair of feet treading them down .
11 ‘ They have maintained a low profile in their life and as a result the coverage of matters affecting them is virtually non existent . ’
12 Most deep tapes have two or three rows of pockets making them adjustable for use with all types of track or pole .
13 There is also a slight improvement on the jobs front with 30 p.c. of directors saying they expect to recruit more compared with 25 p.c. in the earlier survey .
14 There was disappointing news for advertisers spending heavily on pre-Christmas promotions , with only six per cent of parents saying they were influenced .
15 In addition to using casual workers to man up for " events " , we also found cases of organisations bringing them in to cope with peaks in what might be termed their " more continuous " activities .
16 When they get big there 's no problem at all , it 's just that couple of years getting them settled down .
17 The number of listed companies rose by 428 during the four years , but the number of firms auditing them fell by 39 .
18 Secondly , the letters in Cubist painting always have some associative value ; in Picasso 's Ma Jolie series the words , from the title of a popular song , relate through their musical connotations to the still lifes with musical instruments and paintings of figures playing them .
19 SUPPORT for the Maastricht Treaty is lower in Britain than anywhere else in Europe with 62 per cent of Britons saying they would vote against signing .
20 Geneva states that in the 1980s , ‘ IVF and allied procedures changed from being purely experimental in character to become accepted treatments for certain types of infertility and the numbers of centres offering them increased rapidly ’ .
21 London , by contrast , came bottom with only 62 per cent of respondents saying they were satisfied with their health services .
22 An immediate appeal to the BBC 's board of governors asking them to ban the programme is also to be made .
23 With her own brimful of mirth , the haze of tears making them shine like glowing amethysts in her dirty face , she was quite unaware of how extraordinarily lovely she looked .
24 Mr Gordon Green , a senior executive member , said the recent educational changes were doomed to failure unless the Government recognised the true value of teachers implementing them by improving pay and conditions .
25 The next sixty years were to see a rise in the classroom autonomy of teachers allowing them growing discretion within their classrooms .
26 The success of these courses in influencing the quality of school and classroom practice depended on a number of factors , some of them — like the receptiveness of teachers attending them and the willingness of schools to encourage and accommodate change — beyond the control of the course providers .
27 Bernard Arenson , Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs , claimed that the relaxation had been made to assist the poor in Haiti who had suffered unduly from the effects of sanctions depriving them of jobs and wages .
28 When the Boundary Commission looks at these matters over every 10 years or so , demography and demographic conditions have to be considered , and it is less easy than it appears on paper simply to provide consistency in terms of the demographic relationship of the people living in the country and the number of Members representing them in the House .
29 At this point mail may be sent to a number of users requesting they assess the module .
30 The pensioner movement is only growing very slowly in Britain and it is hard to imagine the prosperous 20 per cent of pensioners feeling they had much in common with the 40 per cent who are completely dependent on state benefits .
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