Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But they 'll take stage victories , not the big prizes , and may often be deployed as super-domestiques to younger and more eager men .
2 World-wide co-operation in the matter of the venereal diseases was first formalized by the Brussels agreement of 1924 when the signatories undertook to provide a free treatment service for seamen of all countries who were found to be suffering from infection .
3 The Atlantic Agreement called " upon the Seamen of all the world for service … to demonstrate practical appreciation of freedom won " , and the American Shipping Act of 1915 had established for seamen on foreign ships a " a right to quit " while in US ports from March 1916 .
4 The mother was knitting something for seamen from coloured string .
5 The MCC voted by a large majority to retain termly modules for reasons including greater flexibility in module size and length and more frequent feedback to students on their progress .
6 John Daubney is no fool and has sought the solution because he , like many others , looks for reasons for unexpected noises occurring at 3 a. m. in the morning .
7 Senior people like talking about their work , and read the trade and technical press both for reasons of professional and personal interest .
8 It is no wonder , therefore , that many people believe the current delay in publishing the Barrowclough investigation is for reasons of political expediency rather than legalistic necessity .
9 For reasons of political correctness , RLA finished up with 80 members on its board .
10 Of the 105 authors who completed PEN 's questionnaire , 62 reported attempts to censor their work for reasons of political correctness .
11 On Jan. 14 the Congress ( I ) general secretary , C. K. Jaffer Sharief , resigned for reasons of poor health .
12 Purely for reasons of diagrammatic simplicity we assume that the perfectly competitive industry supply curve ( Sc ) is infinitely elastic and can be drawn as a horizontal straight line as in Figure 5.2a .
13 Not only may firms be unable , for reasons of bounded rationality , to work through the complex mathematics of these models , they may not have to because the answer is to them so obvious .
14 It does however represent an ethical standard which the press should be reluctant to infringe other than for reasons of genuine public interest .
15 A dish in any Pacific city east of the longitude of Mexico City — Lima , say , or Quito , or Santiago — will be cranked down in the direction of an equally low point on the eastern horizon — for just as American naval vessels involved in exercises off the Pacific coasts of Peru , Ecuador or Chile are regarded as being part of the US Atlantic Fleet , so communicators , for reasons of pure geometry , think of these countries ' capital cities as part of the Atlantic communications network .
16 In some districts it was due to the death of an older generation who were , often for reasons of religious belief , philanthropically disposed and whose successors lacked this combination of religious commitment ( evangelicalism in particular had lost much of its mid-nineteenth century hold ) and social responsibility .
17 It is common practice to use a company to make the acquisition for reasons of limited liability ( where assets and business are being acquired ) , and because the procedure is well understood .
18 Some sites may have developed this type of location for reasons of overall convenience ; others were clearly attracted by the economic potential of the crossroads .
19 Then again for reasons of established cultural preference we had to go back to the Audit Commission and ask them to translate £6.358 million into ‘ real men ’ , for we had difficulty in trying to sell such an alien concept to the police mind .
20 The retreat began on 1 February 1746 , the Jacobites splitting , for reasons of private convenience and internal politics rather than on sound military grounds , into three columns , all making for Inverness .
21 To those who , for reasons of personal inhibition , administrative convenience or even from a feeling that " they " do n't need sex , are determined to " keep sex out of the Home " , one can only suggest that , ultimately , they are doomed to failure .
22 Many necessary data sets were unavailable for reasons of administrative inadequacies , confidentiality constraints , cost or non-collection in certain countries ;
23 This position remained unchanged until 1949 when , for reasons of administrative convenience to the Inland Revenue , short-term benefits were excluded from tax liability .
24 Because they arrive with an expectation of moving on within a few years they refrain — ; if only for reasons of emotional self-defence — from putting down ‘ roots ’ and involving themselves too closely in village affairs .
25 This extreme ergonomics stance serves as an antidote to the equally extreme engineering approach in which systems are regarded basically as hardware which for reasons of economic or technological limitations have to depend occasionally on some human performance .
26 While there was an element of imitation of Western territorial imperialism , Japan essentially regarded control of neighbouring territories and resources as fundamental to her own safety and well-being , either for reasons of economic security , or because their weakness and backwardness rendered Japan militarily vulnerable and politically isolated , since such countries were easy prey to third party aggression .
27 The tendency for carnivores to get progressively ‘ better ’ would soon run out of steam , as do human arms races ( for reasons of economic cost which we shall come to ) , were it not for the parallel tendency in the prey .
28 The annual grass Lolium temulentum is a close relative of ryegrass and , for reasons of genetic uniformity and simplicity of life-cycle , has been found to be a much more suitable subject for fundamental studies of growth and development ( , , ) .
29 Horses do much the same thing except that , probably for reasons of historical accident , they run on only one toe instead of two .
30 On the 85 m long viaduct over the Water of Leith and at other bridges over local roads the original parapet has been raised for reasons of public safety , and lighting is being provided on sections of route in built-up areas .
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