Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] can be " in BNC.

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1 Envelopes for donation can be had from Helen Chalmers or Theresa Scott or donations can be put in a plain envelope marked for BMS BIRTHDAY SCHEME .
2 Asking for change can be likened to persuading someone to climb a mountain .
3 Finally , the strategies for change can be found in an analysis of what has gone before and a cultural intervention in what is socially happening to disabled people .
4 You may lost your independence and your health , — worry about money can be a major cause of illness in retired people .
5 Without genuine understanding , what passes for faith can be a counterfeit confidence of purely human origins ( such as the power of positive thinking ) .
6 A MIGHTY blow for honesty can be struck today at Lord 's — nothing is required beyond the crowd rising as one for Allan Lamb .
7 In crudest outline , the schema goes something like this : The early steps of cultural modernization through differentiation can be seen in the comparison of the more modern ‘ world religions ’ with the culture of primitive societies .
8 If it is felt that the right climate for settlement can be achieved by displ
9 Profits , turnover , enquiries , for instance can be presented on a monthly , quarterly or annual basis , using percentages instead of actuals , in grouped format , as an index and so on .
10 Entering a name into the diary for instance can be used to trigger an address search .
11 It is a diver 's paradise , and while it might cost a lot of pennies to get there , good value for money can be waiting — if you know what to watch out for .
12 Value for money can be thought as consisting of three elements : ‘ economy ’ , ‘ efficiency ’ and ‘ effectiveness ’ .
13 Value for money can be thought of as consisting of three elements : economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
14 Database technology has significance as it can assist in many of these problem areas : high-level end-user languages such as SQL can be embedded in standard programming languages to integrate data-base facilities with other functional aspects ; management of large volumes of persistent data , including such aspects as security , integrity , concurrency and optimization of access , is a central tenet of the technology ; multi-level architectures with mappings from logical to physical levels provide different views of the same stored data ; content-addressing can be integrated with navigation to give facilities as sophisticated as those found in information retrieval systems .
15 In the United Kingdom , however , only 10% of tumours are early gastric cancers , so potential exists for changing the natural history of the disease if populations suitable for screening can be identified .
16 One reason for closure can be a sudden , unexpected bill for repairs .
17 Just how acute the RFI threat has become for industry can be pieced together only from indirect evidence , as no statistics exist on the number of incidents .
18 The letter ‘ W ’ for Wladislaw can be seen in many of the oratory 's decorations .
19 Here also , various Schwann cell functions essential for regeneration can be regulated by GGF gene products .
20 The previous section has concentrated on cultural , and hence spatial , variations in what for shorthand can be called the ‘ world of work ’ , that part of life which is concerned with creating and sustaining the means of subsistence .
21 A wilderness is a place of contrast , where our own rules and values for living can be challenged , where we can learn something about humility and the inventive resilience of unmanaged nature .
22 If you want your son to leave his paddling pool on a hot afternoon and trot quietly round the supermarket alongside your trolley , then promising to buy ice-cream for tea can be a reasonable bargain .
23 An individual firm 's demand for labour can be thought of as a derived demand — it is derived from the consumers ' demand for the firm 's product .
24 The guidance to DSS staff is measured and accommodating , but is little appreciated by their local offices , and demands for maintenance can be ill-judged and irregular .
25 The depth of Sartre 's feelings for Nizan can be measured by the frequency with which Nizan recurs in Sartre 's autobiographical and fictional writings .
26 A horse 's need for self-esteem can be extended in different ways to suit us .
27 This need for self-esteem can be carefully nurtured so that the horse will want to perform to boost its own ego even further .
28 Meanwhile Alvin Lawson , professor of English at California State University , and his colleague , William McCall , a medical hypnotist , have endeavoured to prove whether the details of memories about abduction can be explained purely in terms of the psychology of the percipient .
29 Education about AIDS can be useful to reinforce good general health education .
30 The small species are more difficult , however , though ‘ fishing ’ with a pair of forceps after dark can be quite effective .
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