Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Scottish Office , after five years of lobbying by the timber trade , and prompted by European Community farm surpluses , has agreed that marginal farmland previously kept for agriculture can now be used for forestry .
2 Proof-pulling for instance can perhaps be regarded as a mixed process , requiring both strength and skill .
3 Computer bureaux and other persons providing computer services for payment can now register a service mark .
4 With k remaining constant , the equality between the supply of and the demand for money can only be restored if P or Y increase .
5 Pollution abatement costs for industry can indeed be immense .
6 Moreover , the piece of data chosen for study can only be partially analysed .
7 IN the West Indies the appropriately coloured rainbow flag for friendship can sometimes be used to replace the plethora of different ensigns ( there are more ensigns than steel bands among the islands ) , but mostly it has become merely an additional flag .
8 New tasks for perception can only be carried out in the same way ‘ under the guidance of tactile appropriation ’ ( ibid : 242 ) .
9 Much of what Thompson says about law can also ( we think use-fully ) be applied to punishment .
10 Treatment for Thrush can only be obtained on prescription from your doctor or clinic .
11 As a general rule , everyone who can sue for libel can also be sued for libel , if responsible for a defamatory publication .
12 Hypotheses which are worth testing can only be developed in areas about which a good deal is known , i.e. where a great deal of empirical field data has already been collected .
13 Having a tangible record of progress can also act as positive feedback and reinforcement for the client .
14 Because the amount of VideoRAM can only be used to give a higher resolution OR more colours there is an inevitable trade-off .
15 Such Marxists are arguing that whatever people may believe subjectively about their own freedom to make choices which will shape their society , the true locus of change can only be understood in terms of the objective laws of motion and requirements of the capitalist mode of production .
16 This deep-rooted process of change can now be brought to bear on the ‘ official ’ health system as the signing of the peace agreements between the government and the FMLN has ushered in a period of more open political struggle and has created new political spaces .
17 Intact physical structures which enable one to see , hear , taste , smell and touch , and those which permit speech and body language are basic to independence , although some degree of impairment can often be compensated for or coped with .
18 Now experiments at the Welsh Plant Breeding Station near Aberystwyth on the Cardigan Bay coast are under way to find which strain of millet can best withstand the intense heat .
19 There are those critics of the polytechnics who regard this as a most unfortunate development and would go so far as to castigate them for betraying their primary purpose , which they see as providing for the communities in which they are located , something which of necessity can only be done primarily through part-time provision .
20 In addition , the concept of function can also be defined set-theoretically ( see Section 2.6 ) .
21 Existing patterns of inequality can thus be experienced as both necessary and legitimate , while the very possibility of alternative social arrangements becomes unthinkable or marginalized .
22 However , I now think that although there is a singularity , the laws of physics can still determine how the universe began .
23 We have had such a welter of lies about the NHS from people like Robin Cook that it really is astonishing that their campaign of denigration can actually be exceeded by this piece of filthy insinuation from Widgery . ’
24 It is not clear why any of the clergy should be disqualified ( as opposed to restrained by their own professional ethics ) at all , except that in the case of the Church of England some sort of case can then be made out by reason of the right of bishops to sit in the House of Lords .
25 Second , whilst waiver of past breaches of contract can never be revoked , the effect of estoppel is to suspend obligation which may be revoked with reasonable notice .
26 Alongside the sorts of connective listed above , other kinds of link can also be useful .
27 This sort of liability can obviously only be incurred by someone acting in the course of a business ( a " businessman " ) .
28 Both types of sensor can usually be wired to bring on more than one light .
29 They renovate and enhance our reactions to life by disrupting established habits of response , and creating in us a state of equilibrium of a kind that other sorts of experience can rarely achieve .
30 There are no clear rules therefore and even the best professionals with lots of experience can easily get it wrong .
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