Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] has be " in BNC.

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1 But also , and more importantly , the normal upward movement that was for long the solvent for discontent has been arrested .
2 ‘ The impetus for change has been driven by the charities rather than the City , but the City recognised this and has sought to make the most of it . ’
3 In any starting position , when the basis for change has been created the decision as to which stage should be contemplated is the key one .
4 When the request has been processed , the Change Coordinator will notify the New OED Project Director whether the request for change has been accepted or rejected , and he in turn will inform the user .
5 The Change Coordinator will tell the Development Manager whether the request for change has been accepted or rejected .
6 Even though the need for change has been clearly stated and the encouragement to change comes from the highest political levels , the systems through which health care are delivered are traditional and conservative and may not support an individual through changing policies and roles .
7 Er the Government find it absolutely unacceptable for people to wait on trolleys , once the decision for admission has been made er but My Lords sometimes it is necessary to wait er for observation purposes or sometimes for diagnostic treatments , er which actually have to take place in the A and E department er but My Lords it 's very interesting to see how similar hospitals vary , even within the same vicinity and we believe a great deal of this is due to poor management .
8 The idea that dreaming is essential for sanity has been prevalent in popular science since the eighteenth century .
9 Any management training that has been available for ryokan has been almost entirely ‘ in house ’ up to now , although the whole area of hotel management training is being rethought in Japan .
10 A writ for negligence has been issued against Cape Limited of Uxbridge .
11 THE NOBEL Prize for physics has been awarded to three scientists who developed ultra-precise techniques that lie at the heart of modern atomic clocks .
12 Obviously the spelling of words such as color has been corrected , both on-screen and in the manual , but other changes such as default paper sizes and hyphenation dictionaries have also been modified .
13 Although it was originally intended that entitlement to the allowance would cease at 65 , the upper age limit for payment has been extended twice , most recently by the 1989 Social Security Act , when it was changed from 75 to 80 .
14 The other Non-academic Parties will also notify the Lead Organization of the sale or transfer out of the Project of any capital equipment for which any claim for payment has been made under this Agreement .
15 The fact that the research in 18 of the 23 subjects offered for assessment has been rated as reaching a level of national significance or better provides a very satisfactory base on which to building the University 's future as a research university .
16 A new test for TB has been devised which could save the lives of badgers .
17 Such increases in tannin in browsed Acacia nigrescens in southern Africa have been reported to take place in a few minutes and the production of ethylene during damage has been considered to be the promoter of tannin increase .
18 In Germany , the Social Democrats ' caution about reunification has been punished by an enthusiastic electorate .
19 First , the role of government , direct and indirect , in providing finance for industry has been distinctive but also controversial .
20 The call for action has been put into practice in some parts of Latin America , especially in Central America .
21 A FEUDING doctor who was awarded a record £150,000 damages against his partner for slander has been forced to give up his battle to get her to pay the cash .
22 Again , once the ground for review has been established , the adjudication officer must consider whether it is right to revise the decision in the light of the circumstances now revealed .
23 These assaults on the fundamental objective of antiracism and the attendant practice of multiculturalism in education , social work and other municipal services have passed largely unanswered and vocal political support for antiracism has been hard to find .
24 Gratifyingly , our relentless quest for luxury has been rewarded .
25 In some foreign countries the hearing on aliment is dealt with at a separate subsequent diet after divorce has been granted but before the decree is formally pronounced .
26 The recent reform of the grounds for divorce has been mirrored as regards proceedings in magistrates ' courts by the Domestic Proceedings and Magistrates ' Courts Act 1978 , a statute enacted as the result of recommendations made by the Law Commission .
27 That plea for assistance has been answered by two keen runners , Hilda Mills and Roseanne Partridge , from The Body Shop in Lewisham .
28 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
29 His campaign for peace has been original , gimmicky and , above all , successful in securing publicity for a cause .
30 The unavailability of legal aid for libel has been defended on the basis that it would bring " over the fence " disputes to court ( the poor being assumed to quarrel in crowded tenements rather more often than the rich accuse one another of cheating at cards ) but the inequity is so glaring that the argument for extending legal aid to defamation actions is difficult to resist .
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