Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] that leave " in BNC.

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1 And yet how could the non-Russians indefinitely accept a division of labour that left them , in some cases , as ‘ raw material ’ republics , exporting their primary produce and importing more expensive manufactured goods ?
2 We talked a lot , laughed a lot , drank a lot — another round in the warming game of friendship that left me happy at the time , and aching afterwards as I contemplated the lonely bed .
3 Claudia wished she could stop shaking ; the touch of his hard body against hers had started up a whirlpool of emotion that left her wanting to run until she had put miles between them .
4 ‘ It 's about all I am intending to keep on ! ’ he told her with a husky , sensual bark of laughter that left her breathless and quivering in his arms as he entered the room and tossed her lightly down on to the bed .
5 No. it 's not a lingering sense of failure that leaves a player hanging around the fringes of the game , or not entirely anyhow , it is a sense of loss as the private world of a county cricket club is left , as the dreams of youth , partially realised , are broken , and the unsteady step towards a different life begins .
6 erm and , and the market is being badly hit as a result of this , now we 've a specialist in a certain type of business that leaves the market free for another syndicate and they 've now picked up all the juicy business
7 The foregoing submissions do not by any means exhaust the sources of evidence that leave no doubt that belief in a ‘ god ’ in some form , and a corresponding religion , is absolutely necessary to mankind .
8 None of them could disagree that it was a species of tyranny that left an unhappy debtor to the mercy of a remorseless creditor whose affluence prevented him from knowing the sorrows of adversity and who , nursed in the lap of plenty , had never heard the call of hunger or knew the cry of distress .
9 Lying still , drugged by her own fantasies , she watched as he shrugged off his clothes with minimum effort , a lean efficiency of movement that left him naked , muscled and golden like a god from the pages of Nordic mythology .
10 A blaze of glory , a fury of passion that left them weak and trembling in each other 's arms .
11 Killjoy explains bipedalism — that is , walking on two legs — as a way of life that left the hands free for other things .
12 Now , ’ she added with a complete change of subject that left Ellie feeling bewildered , ‘ you must n't feel awkward or in the way , because we 're delighted to have you to stay .
13 It is the sort of thing that leaves a permanent mark for good or ill on the member concerned .
14 I still have an abundance of energy that leaves my contemporaries standing .
15 I join the queue that stretches back through three carriages , in pursuit of a warm can of Travellers ' Fare lager — the only substance known to man that leaves the body in exactly the same state as it entered .
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