Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [v-ing] about " in BNC.

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1 Almost everyone has a story to tell about dream incorporation — for instance dreaming about Arctic exploration only to wake up and find that the covers have slipped off and he is freezing cold , or dreaming of bells ringing only to wake up eventually to find that the alarm clock has been clattering for the last few minutes .
2 I think , Bill , really you far be it for me to try and teach you your job , but you ought to have perhaps gone back a little bit and wondered why we were all in this position , because you have us in year after year talking about budgets that are made and budgets which improve services , and and we need to be absolutely clear that this budget does not improve services at all , that this budget does very severe damage to services , that the budget that has gone through the Council identifies nearly eight million pounds taken off service provision erm and that can not be done under the Conservatives by making erm a budget with the Liberal Democrats have proved that it ca n't be done , in spite of their previous comments , without pain to services .
3 Whatever the problems with these rather global and unanalytic formulations , none the less they do encapsulate one indispensable and basic argument of feminism , the argument that women 's experience has been left out : one of the central themes of feminism has been the importance of women 's experience , and one of its central enterprises has been to show how a great deal of male theorising about women has tended to deny , invalidate , or be unable to account for this experience .
4 Sonya asks him , ‘ I do n't understand : how will things be for you , how will you marry and have children ? ’ — of course thinking about his estrangement from human kind ; and he replies ( Dostoevsky 's italics ) : ‘ I 'll get used to it . ’
5 Next , if I were wise only to my own ends , I would certainly take such a subject as of itself might catch a clause , whereas this ’ — he is of course writing about the vexed question of erm Church government and the possible disappearance of episcopy — ‘ whereas this hath all the disadvantages on the contrary , and such a subject as the publishing whereof might be delayed at pleasure and time enough to pencil it over with the curious touches of art , even to the perfection of a faultless picture , whereas in this argument the not deferring it is of great moment to the good speeding .
6 However , before we go any further with this rather depressing picture it is important to underline that we are not of course talking about all people over retirement age in some blanket category of dwindling power .
7 Er another er rather another er on that tack of course talking about er well in this case a skeleton , I had a job to do just shortly before they closed Coney Street off fully and e it was myse I was on my own and I had t to pick up some dummies from er a ladies ' shop a dress shop .
8 Right from the beginning , we argued that the revolutionary process in El Salvador could only be carried out through a popular war in which the incorporation of the civil population is essential When we take over a village or settlement and the enemy forces are ousted … we begin the work of consciousness raising about the situation of the country together with the work of organizing the local population .
9 For a standard rose , cut a strip of hessian sacking about 3–4 inches ( 8–10cm ) wide , and long enough to go round the plant stem twice .
10 He owed his life to Corbett who had saved him from a choking death at Tyburn , yet Corbett was still mysterious ; working constantly , his only pleasure being the flute , some manuscript or sitting quietly over a cup of wine brooding about life .
11 She touched it warily and again there was the hot , dark heat , the feeling of suffocation closing about her , the surging upwards of bitter scalding liquid , as if she had drunk something that was too hot which was laced with a bitter and evil drug .
12 For his drawings Rembrandt made use of any old piece of paper lying about which was suitable .
13 He made a lot of sense talking about that tip and obviously persuaded people to change their viewpoint . ’
14 It is those who had no proclivity towards will making about whom we most wish to know .
15 Internal markets form the basis of government thinking about the reform of the National Health Service .
16 What is the Secretary of State doing about nuclear non-proliferation ?
17 However , what plan was the Secretary of State talking about in front of the journalists ?
18 It was particularly offensive to hear the Secretary of State talking about price increases in the gas industry before privatisation , as though he were not a member of a party and Government who decreed that gas prices had to rise arbitrarily , unilaterally and unnecessarily by 10 per cent .
19 Ahmed : I must say that I did n't think much of the group when it was first set up because f felt that it wasted a lot of time whinging about all the things that were ‘ being handed to the Black workers on a plate because anti-racism was currently fashionable ’ .
20 He spent a lot of time swaggering about the place , flexing his muscles and telling everyone what he was going to do with those ‘ foolish little feller-me-lads ’ if they showed up .
21 erm Sue could probably do with spending a bit of time learning about DOS , but I do n't see the point .
22 I have decided that control is the key , and I spend a lot of time thinking about ‘ self-control ’ and ‘ willpower ’ .
23 I do not feel as if I am well ; I 've got no energy , I 'm always cold , my fingers and toes are a weird shade of blue , and I know I spend a huge amount of time thinking about food .
24 People spend a lot of time thinking about things which are beneficial to themselves ; consideration of welfare and the environment has a much larger element of unselfishness in it .
25 As my transsexual obsession deepened I was prone to bouts of morbid depression and I spent a great deal of time thinking about suicide ; suicide was almost a twin obsession at times .
26 ‘ It worries me and I spend a lot of time thinking about it what we should be doing , what we can do .
27 She spent a lot of time thinking about her father .
28 Anna and I have spent a lot of time talking about food .
29 We will consider you to be wasting ES time if you spend long or frequent periods of time talking about personal matters which have no relevance to you work for the ES .
30 Well I do want to come back in fact an and reassure er you that er in fact er we are very concerned about that and we spend a great deal of time talking about the A P C's erm statement policy of intent because it was intended to be modified in the way which we thought would and we spent quite a lot of time erm discussing and am re-amending the importance .
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