Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Either because those in power simply underestimated the potential for resistance or simply because they believed they could in the end over-ride such resistance , industrial companies in conjunction with waste disposal firms ( and often in collusion with state health regulatory agencies ) dumped indiscriminately and with disregard for human health and life . ’
2 Edwards ( 1979 , 16 ) , for example , characterises the situation as one where for most of the twentieth century management have met ‘ chronic resistance to their effort to compel production ’ and consequently ‘ have attempted to organize production in such a way as to minimise opportunities for resistance and even to alter workers ’ perceptions of the desirability of opposition ’ .
3 And erm we used to go into the assembly hall every morning for prayer and then we should just go up to the erm we we used to go upstairs to the er to the classrooms which were off a long corridor .
4 She said that it was a time for prayer and especially for prayers of protection against evil of any kind and , sending for her holy book , quoted me the following passage :
5 These usually first appeared about Easter and then were baked throughout the year at other holiday times .
6 The cells from the outside move into the interior during gastrulation and only at the end of the gastrulation are they more or less in their proper position .
7 ‘ You go in for blackmail as well , Private Nobody ? ’
8 Very low residence time for hydrogen carbonate biologically active , and an intermediate time for things like sodium and potassium which are common in crustal rock and are also commonly being deposited through sedimentation and so on .
9 Yet discussions of the threat to public service broadcasting have ignored not only the potential for change but also the deficiencies of the existing system which would make us question its benefits and its claim to permanence .
10 They must allow for change while still maintaining a high degree of organizational integrity .
11 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
12 Individual approaches recognize either the school or the classroom as the significant unit for change and ideally take both into account , for change in one is unlikely to happen without change in the other ( Easen , 1985 ; Slater , 1985 ) .
13 Banks argued against the changes but acknowleged the need for change and so supported the Cheque Act .
14 The HelpDesk Request screen provides Client History and Inventory buttons which will allow us to view past specific requests for support as well as the configuration of the machine on which the problem was experienced .
15 The part of the city through which they were walking reminded Zen of Venice , but a Venice brutally fractured , as though each canal were a geological fault and the houses to either side had taken a plunge or been wrenched up all askew and left to tumble back on themselves , throwing out buttresses and retaining walls for support as best they could .
16 Secondly , and perhaps inevitably arising out of the first situation , the young adult who joins the sub-culture of deafness and uses sign language has , in the community 's eyes , given up the search for sameness and therefore society 's help comes in a ‘ care for the disabled ’ package .
17 Shortly stated , the main issue is whether a school which is over-subscribed so that it can not accept all the applications for admission can adopt religious criteria ( i.e. criteria intended to preserve the character of the school ) in selecting the successful applicants for admission and thereby exempt itself under section 6(3) ( a ) from the duty under section 6(2) to give effect to the preferences expressed by parents whose children do not meet such criteria .
18 The Bains Report referred to the need for this relationship to be ‘ informal ’ ( Bains 1972:37 ) , but other commentators would emphasise the necessity for formality if both councillor and officer are to maintain their proper roles : ‘ friendly but not familiar ’ is a frequent description of the correct attitude for a councillor to adopt towards officers , either as leader or in the chair of a committee .
19 They were always there for eachother but especially for us .
20 Poor men in towns travelled for necessity but rarely for pleasure , except on foot — the autobiographies of self-improving Victorian artisans are full of titanic country walks — and for short periods .
21 And good for income as well .
22 Their loving was wild and tempestuous , with no time to spare for tenderness or softly spoken promises .
23 How are we free unless we fight for freedom and like as not break one or more of the Commandments ? ’
24 Lennie knew about George 's craving for freedom and often threatened to leave , but George felt obliged to look after Lennie as Lennie could not fend for himself in a cave and Lennie could not cope with going to jail or a home to be treated like an animal .
25 As in Eyre 's ( 1987 ) study , clearance is for agriculture as well as lumber , and coffee growing is increasing to produce an export crop and bring in foreign exchange .
26 Where are the 365 collecting boxes for last year 's Ian Botham Walk for Leukaemia that never made it back to Corporate Communications ?
27 Essential metal ions are required in the gut not only for nutrition but also for the integrity of the mucosa ; zinc , for instance , can facilitate the healing of gastric ulcers .
28 They decided to sue the farm for negligence and today they won an historic test case at the County Court in Swindon .
29 Suppose , for example , it claims to exclude all the following liabilities of the seller : for misrepresentation , for negligence and also for breach of the terms implied by sections 12 to 15 of the Sale of Goods Act .
30 The downside is that , unlike financial controllers , directors can , technically speaking , be held liable for negligence and consequently sued .
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