Example sentences of "[prep] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Erm you you 've asked er chairman for for a general comment on on what 's been referred to as environmental discount , environmental considerations and so forth .
2 Oh yes , did that at the beginning for for a long time .
3 This Madam Deputy Speaker , is no way to regulate for for a major issue .
4 Erm if there are areas la large areas around Greater Greater York particularly to the west of the city , which because of their flat open character would not be suitable for for a new settlement .
5 In making a case for for a new exceptions policy our our starting point really is the erm strategic planning framework provided by structure plan , that 's Policy I five and the proposed Policy E two .
6 And I mean I 'm talking in matter of a few thousand pounds , to do for for a whole year .
7 And I think it was six vouchers for for a free
8 Oh going to grocer the grocers and and even fetching a quarter of tea for for an old lady you see .
9 Hypnotics should be prescribed , preferably for short periods only , where insomnia secondary to distress is undermining in individual 's resources , such as during a severe grief reaction .
10 I mean , that 's m my contribution as as a committed person to equal opportunities , but I 'd welcome an example
11 Which I 'll just pick up on as a as as a final point .
12 Cos I remember as as a little one , I had n't got a clue , and the whole meaning of it was lost completely .
13 As as a direct result of it erm without anything about it erm Mr in court just wanted to get in and out .
14 Er as as a basic starting point yes .
15 And no-one looked more livelier than Denis Hollywood in the last seven minutes of a contest that will be talked about for a long time to come .
16 As I as I was talking about for a new pattern
17 So those are three , anyway , three things erm that you might like to think about for a short message for a response to the White Paper .
18 or sorry it sends a signal to the adrenal glands which sit on the top of the kidneys yeah , and pumps adrenalin into the blood which again is something that makes you ready and that 's what all these things about about a dry throat a wonky voice a shaking limbs is all about a very primitive instinct of fight or flight .
19 All in all , some pretty advanced hardware , but it does n't come cheap : Pentium readiness counts for about a grand of the price .
20 Howard considered for about a micro second .
21 But because I was in like really really tight tights , er like and then a pair of ski pants over the top er , my whole leg was like , you know , sort of soaked in and this bloke was there going , hee , that 's pretty impressive and I was like , I 'm not going to let him know I was crying and like got up and went to the top of the slope and I carried on skiing for about an extra half an hour , but like when I got home , and I just took off , my whole leg started , feet swelling as I took the like , the tight like leggings off .
22 However , that is what I am paid for as a full- time member of staff .
23 Or , and this was more likely , he found Beth too lovely , too desirable , too much like the women he had longed for as a young man , and never had the fortune to find .
24 Does it indicate that the meaning of an idiom can not be inferred from ( or , more precisely , can not be accounted for as a compositional function of ) the meanings the parts carry IN THAT EXPRESSION ?
25 The definition must be understood as stating that an idiom is an expression whose meaning can not be accounted for as a compositional function of the meanings its parts have when they are not parts of idioms .
26 They should be accounted for separately only if the instruments are capable of being cancelled or redeemed independently of each other ; otherwise they should be accounted for as a single instrument .
27 PW points out that had Perfect Information been accounted for as an associated undertaking , ‘ in our opinion up to £2m of the loss recognised this year would have been reflected in the year ended 31 March 1991 by elimination of profits arising on sales made to Perfect Information Ltd .
28 These dissonant days the best a player can hope for as an inspirational backdrop to his talent is an off-pitch dirge .
29 The sale will hit Bonar 's bottom line profits figure to the tune of £1.2 million , to be provided for as an exceptional item in the group 's results to 30 November .
30 Another utility , Shell , is an improved version of the File Manager , with more use of icons , and the ability to design composite filters for selecting the files that you view , such as after a certain date , as well as starting with B or with an extension of .
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