Example sentences of "[prep] family where the " in BNC.

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1 At the other end of income distribution , 47% of families with children with an employed mother received £425 or more per week , compared to 21% of families where the mother was not in work ( Family Expenditure Survey 1989 ) .
2 Data for 1987 suggest that nearly 80 per cent of families where the head of household is unemployed have incomes below 50 per cent of average income ( Oppenheim , 1990 ) .
3 Screening can have value in reassuring unaffected members of families where the genetic abnormality is known .
4 Clark and Coats rightly state that this ‘ can have value in reassuring unaffected members of families where the mutation is known . ’
5 The number of families where the head of household faced an implicit marginal tax rate greater than 70% in fact doubled after 1988 to over half a million .
6 In families where the mother tended to intervene often in the first observation period , the children did have longer quarrels and more frequent physical fights in the second observation period ( six months later ) than in families where she intervened less .
7 Clearly , even short-tail streamers might represent considerable handicaps in families where the fitness consequences of impaired flight are extremely high .
8 The concept of incest has been the focus of much anthropological study , and by introducing this third variable Todd is able to identify seven family types , which are listed in table 3.1 Within families where the spouses are determined by custom there are two sub-types : in the endogamous community family , there is equality between brothers in matters of inheritance , married sons cohabit with their parents , and there is frequently marriage between the children of brothers ; whereas in asymmetrical community families the first two conditions also hold but marriages between the children of brothers are prohibited , although there may be a preference for marriage between the children of brothers and sisters .
9 Eighteen per cent of the professionals had fathers with incomplete primary schooling , and 27 per cent came from families where the father had achieved no more than a primary level of education .
10 For some decades now the lowest average fertility has been found , not at the top of the social scale , but among families where the husband is in social class IIIN ( clerical workers , clerks , salesmen ) .
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