Example sentences of "[prep] why it is " in BNC.

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1 Science is knowledge of what is necessarily the case , and of why it is so .
2 Although the Act does allow for children to be absent from Hearings under the circumstances already referred to , they should still be notified of the Hearing , and an explanation of why it is taking place should be given .
3 A full explanation of why it is believed that contributions have been over-paid , the amount and the period involved , and the names and NI numbers of the people concerned should be included .
4 Whatever the heady consequences of that ( and they have classically been found contradictory ) , Sloman 's explication does not tackle the question of why it is we are conscious of certain things at some times but not at others .
5 This argument raises the question of why it is that sexual dimorphism and polygyny are related at all .
6 The economic circumstances of both parties seem to offer another important explanation of why it is more common for people to share a home with relatives at some points of historical time than at others .
7 I shall isolate six points of difference that seem to me important to our appreciation of why it is that children normally find writing difficult .
8 Students should come not merely to know that such and such is the case , or that this procedure works , but should be able to offer their own account of why it is the case or why it works .
9 Well , let's wait and hear wh what says , he 'll probably explain to you the history of why it is like this .
10 Or the project will test their understanding of why it is particularly bad to break a promise .
11 The appearance of a weaning-trauma in early agricultural cultures explains the paradox of why it is that a loss of the ideal mother — that is , a frustration — leads to an over-involvement with her .
12 Life-positions throw light on why it is that some people tend to be winners and some losers in life .
13 Given that this is the case , it is interesting and instructive to reflect on why it is that these people have decided to call us their ‘ clients ’ .
14 1 ) Give a short explanation on why it is so important that all class members should join the Medau Society ; —
15 The fact that several shoals are compelled by circumstances to amass in a swim at the same time may be the explanation as to why it is easier to make a big catch from a river .
16 Having observed something , just record it and do not reason it out as to why it is so .
17 It is very curious that almost everybody accepts that Searle 's argument is profoundly mistaken and yet there are rich differences of opinion as to why it is wrong !
18 because I think women have traditionally been very reluctant both to report domestic violence and hearing echo 's of what women are saying here , in terms of women looking into their own behaviours , to why it is happening rather than er having it labelled as a crime and I think one of the , the , the main thrust of the project , the women involved in is to raise the profile of domestic violence into being a criminal act .
19 There is an immediate question as to why it is there : is it what some vandal has done , or some unauthorized dauber , or some impulsive and frustrated artist , or some new policy of bringing art into the streets ?
20 There are good biological reasons for why it is so difficult to produce drugs that will knock out viral infections .
21 In passing our studies have helped to clear up some of the outstanding biological problems that underlie the reproductive biology of Bufo bufo , such as why it is that the males so greatly outnumber the females , and why they are smaller .
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