Example sentences of "[prep] order for we " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , your taxpaying partner will have to complete the deed of covenant in order for us to claim the tax .
2 Dana Gillespie : ‘ DeFries always thought that in order for us to absorb musical culture as it should be from America , we should actually go and live in America , and it took quite a few months for it all to be organized .
3 He comes alongside us and takes on our humanity , in order for us to see him , in the same way that the intensity of the sun is scaled down to the ray of light through the window .
4 ‘ Strong ’ formulations of the principle claim that the universe is the way it is in order for us to be here to observe it .
5 We are excited as a group in knowing God has called us to India but we realise how much we need Him in order for us to be effective .
6 Or if we 're thinking of inviting an up-and-coming actor on the show , the researchers will find tapes of them being interviewed , usually from America , in order for us to watch them in action .
7 In order for us to asses where you should make a start you need to answer the questionnaire overleaf , unless you are already on a really good exercise programme , which gives you at least three half-hour sessions of vigorous exercise per week .
8 In order for us to maximise our returns to our shareholders we must continue to examine every facet of our business , question our way of working and look for greater efficiency .
9 The seventy two million erm for this Committee is the labour that would involve roughly er nett savings of about one million er pounds because we and no doubt all the routes of course have to look at the social budget and where their priorities are and in order for us to er do other things perhaps indication in relation to and also will provide primary school er budgets .
10 Can I ask you then Mr Deputy Speaker , on a point of order as to whether or not it 's in order for us to discuss the cost effectiveness of er of a member of the European parliament and the a and the costs associated .
11 inflation is the biggest economic problem and what problem it causes and it says discuss the fact that erm with inflation now being around four to five per cent it is now a , it is now being cured , discuss that sort of thing , you say yes it has , but at the moment we 're still suffering the effects because we are in , we 've got high interest rates , we , and in order for us to have really beaten it , we could have low interest rates and low employment and low inflation , but we 're still in the middle of it
12 We have to come to terms with the fact that people 's experience of God differs enormously and the way they talk about God differs enormously , and in order for us to understand even what we mean we 've got to listen to them .
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