Example sentences of "[prep] see if [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Yvetot is the great butter market of the Caux country and provides a sight worth seeing if you happen to be in the district on a Wednesday morning .
2 Tuesday night about seeing if we can do a bit more sorting out in her bedroom .
3 ‘ That as soon as he was refuelled he took the opportunity of seeing if he could locate the remains of that American plane ? ’
4 Now er that really started to look into the , the , the nur the , the er profession and also to sort of see if they could n't improve the lot of nurses .
5 and about eight o'clock I said to Robert , shall I phone Georgie up and sort of see if he wants to come home .
6 I moved from Nazeing into Harlow because my house was condemned at Nazeing and I had to come into a Council house at , and erm , from I had erm , when I came from Nazeing I had erm , three sons three sons then and when I got to , I 'd been here a year and then I had another son and after that er , when he was about two years and four months I had a daughter , but unfortunately I lost her with heart trouble and er she only lived four months and I lost her and er , er I stayed there , stayed there and , in and after that I moved to because it was a bit larger house for my family you see and from erm I was there several years and er stayed there and I had erm oh first of all I , I had my twins , my twin boys after I lost the daughter , I had twin boys and they , I went to I suppose about two years and four months between and I wanted to adopt a little girl but they would n't let , my hubby said no and so then I er , sort of see if I get a little girl and I had twin boys did n't I , and I 'm still in , I 'm in and after er after I had the twins when I was about er forty two if I did had another boy which is the one I 've got , the last one up there of my eight , I ended up with eight boys
7 We 've got ta see if we can get Susan 's coat drop in .
8 Sentence 9a is odd because table does not combine normally with see if it occupies the X-slot ; it does , however , function as a perfectly normal occupant of the Y-slot ( Arthur saw the table ) .
9 The rockdust prevented her from seeing if she had been successful in her kill .
10 Just that put some in see if it 's real bubbles !
11 Some sugar in the urine is fairly common in pregnancy , but if the level is high your doctor might run another test for sugar levels in your blood , to seen if you need special attention and advice about diabetes .
12 Yeah you wan na see if they can do it or not you can tell if somebody , if you give somebody something to do body language you can normally
13 I 'm gon na see if they 've saved me any .
14 so I 'm gon na see if they 've got
15 I think that the rest of the situation should be more or less a straight across thing , and I 'm gon na see if we can get Paul
16 Yeah , but we 're gon na see if we can get you a pair of shoes are n't we ?
17 Yes , we are gon na see if we can get you a pair of shoes Do you want some shoes .
18 I just wan na see if it 's been erased since we 've been digging around .
19 I 'm just gon na see if I can find a clarity index .
20 Do n't you wan na see if you can put page numbers
21 Oh well you gon na see if you can finish it off tomorrow ?
22 Where do you start with love , every body wants to love , every body wants to be loved , every one at some time or another is disappointed by love and while its difficult sometimes talking about it not talking about it can have some really serious consequences , so let's try to get to the heart of it tonight , one hundred women are prepared to share their wisdom if not their secrets , I 'd like to start off by seeing if we can differentiate between loving and being in love .
23 At a clandestine meeting in a North London bar , Brown tested me out by seeing if I could listen — without puking — to his stories about shagging wild women who dipped his dick in chocolate mousse .
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