Example sentences of "[prep] what [verb] about " in BNC.

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1 The removal of the ‘ problem ’ of what to do about aggravations is wonderful and gives complete freedom to use the range of remedies whatever reputation they may have for over-reacting or whatever rules may have evolved about not repeating .
2 It concerns some issue which may ultimately imply a choice of what to do about it .
3 That still leaves it with the human problem of what to do about its many customers , the sizeable backlog of orders they have created and the delays they face .
4 ‘ Where you and I probably differ is on the question of what to do about it .
5 The problem of what to do about those who happened to own this ‘ natural monopoly ’ , thus levying a toll on the rest of the economy , therefore seemed relatively manageable .
6 But I quite see that you need someone to come in on a practical issue like what to do about his tenants .
7 problem as to what to do about it .
8 When we discover that e-mail does not necessarily work like that , we are temporarily at a loss as to what to do about it .
9 No sir , my job was then to pass over to Mr who made the ultimate decision as to what to do about the incident .
10 British Petroleum is taking a lead in advising Hungarian ( and Czech ) industry on what to do about large-scale redundancies in a country where unemployment has been limited by law to little more than 5 per cent .
11 My role in the matter was as an independent voice advising the Labour Party on what to do about Profumo .
12 He has asked for their advice on what to do about the Africans in the townships — Dr. Abraham and his neighbours .
13 Not until I 've seen what 's there and taken your father 's advice on what to do about it . ’
14 Yes , yes , I think in , I think in general one can certainly say that the more , and this touches on what said about personality types if a personality has a strongly developed superego themselves , they 're likely to be very independent , sometimes to the point of arrogance .
15 I mean , we all wrote loads and loads of stuff saying what a drag housework was , how trapped women were in their kitchens , but no-one 's analysed it before , and no-one 's had any ideas about what to do about it .
16 So Freud has to explain this weakness of Wilson , in the face of erm , these much more dominant aggressive men he was up against in these very hard er hitting negotiations , about what to do about the world after , after World War One .
17 On the one hand this is easy , not to say natural , but the ride can become fraught with contradictions and potholes , such as what to do about Section 28 .
18 ‘ Farmers are aware of the problem but are stumped by what to do about it .
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