Example sentences of "[prep] all [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As though you know erm after all head known all about it this is the to himself and by doing that then abbreviated then , that 's when the reader was supposed to take it as a thought process rather than a
2 The UK government has back-pedalled on plans for the compulsory registration of all sites contaminated by potentially-toxic waste .
3 Copies of all theses sent to BLDSC for microfilming are indexed and listed each month in British Reports Translations and Theses ( BRTT ) .
4 In addition , Aslib 's quarterly publication Index to Theses now provides abstracts of all theses notified to it by the universities .
5 This year at least 1.5 million head of prime lambs are expected to be transported live to France and other EC countries — and the majority are selected at auction markets which last year handled 72.5 per cent of all lambs offered for slaughter .
6 Taking the donor agencies as a whole , about 9,000 evaluations of individual projects have been made since 1970 , probably accounting for about 12 per cent of all projects launched since that time .
7 The centre has implemented systems and procedures to monitor and evaluate the quality of all provision offered and has adopted effective strategies to promote the maintenance of consistent standards in all awards offered .
8 The talks produced agreement in principle on Feb. 3 to work for a ceasefire by Feb. 15 and for the release by March 1 of all hostages taken by rival Azerbaijani and Armenian militias , and to establish permanent relations between the two organizations .
9 The official return did not give any details about the population on that , or any other , day , but there was a breakdown of the characteristics of all prisoners admitted during 1987 .
10 This is true of all conduct interpreted as having a moral relevance , as being a sign of virtue or vice .
11 Make a note of all requests made for further information and of any interest expressed in ideas for features .
12 SCO claims 28% of all Unixes sold on all platforms against SunSoft 's 25% , though Open Desktop sales remain stuck at around 35% of its business instead of the 60% it envisaged at the launch of Open Desktop 2.0 this time last year .
13 Only " tough love " is helpful , loving the sufferer but allowing him or her to take the full consequences of all actions caused by the disease .
14 Having discovered the true position he successfully claimed recovery of all dues paid in respect of exempted limestone .
15 Compliance Unit in London office maintains a central register of all CFELs obtained by the firm .
16 On 3 March 1987 the originating summons was amended by adding the seventh and eighth plaintiffs , and on 19 March 1987 it was further amended to seek accounts of all transactions entered into , and of all dealings with the property of the plaintiffs by the first defendant , and of all moneys received by or payment made by the first defendant or by the second or third defendants , and an inquiry whether any sums were due from the first defendant to the plaintiffs .
17 The Solicitors ' Publicity Code ( see Chapter 12 ) also contains specific provisions for the control of " flag advertising " by firms publicising their services under a group name or logo to ensure that the names of all firms involved are disclosed in the publicity material .
18 Wright and West , in a study of all incidents recorded by the police as genuine rapes or attempted rapes in six English counties over a five-year period from 1972 to 1976 , found that of a total of 297 cases , fellatio was attempted or demanded in 30 incidents , cunnilingus in 13 , buggery in 12 and other sexual acts usually involving masturbation in 35 .
19 Where resort sports or other facilities are advertised , they may not necessarily be available in all resorts in the vicinity of all properties featured or at all times of the season .
20 This section should give summary details of all properties used or owned by the company including : —
21 We reported earlier that in 1984 20 per cent of all establishments used such workers and seven per cent used them in numbers equal to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
22 Only with the repeal of these measures , the abolition of all laws based upon precepts of ‘ obscenity ’ and ‘ indecency ’ , and the opening up of the narrow , prescriptive sexual teachings insisted upon by the moralists , can we get on and live our lives , talk about our desires and argue about them without feeling ashamed or guilty .
23 The visitor from beyond the planets would obtain the impression that the Earth is a very peaceable place , when in fact three-quarters of all satellites launched have been controlled by military planners and virtually every country 's space programme was originated by the desire of war chiefs to develop rockets that would carry high explosives or nuclear bombs .
24 of all matters taken to solicitors .
25 Whilst Whigs of all complexions signed with no hesitation , the Country Tories were much more reluctant to swear allegiance in such unqualified terms , although many eventually complied when signing was made compulsory .
26 The United Kingdom , Belgium and Greece took the view that the basic principles of Community law and , in particular , the prohibition of all discrimination based on nationality , had no bearing on conditions such as those at issue in the main proceedings .
27 In fact , of all fines imposed in 1975 and 1976 , the medium fine … for large firms ( $1,000 ) was smaller than that for medium-size corporations …
28 I take in my opinion the size , scale of settlement that is being pursued by erm North Yorkshire is of sufficient size , erm my experience erm are twelve fifty to fifteen hundred new settlement is sort of of a size that can sustain a reasonable balance of community facilities , I think in looking at the new village and in the context of P P G thirteen its highway implications , we see from table one of er Mr Curtis 's supplementary statement that public transport , I E bus and train , in terms of journeys to work to the Greater York area amounts to about eight percent of all journeys made , now I think if we were to follow Mr Curtis 's view through and put all development on the periphery of York , if we put two hundred to the North , two hundred to the East , two hundred to the South and so on and so forth , the contribution that those , that new housing can make to improving the public transport system , will be very small , if you concentrate your developments in a new settlement , or or maybe two new settlements which is another point , erm you have a better opportunity to provide a public transport system which would not only serve that new village , but also settlements in the surroundings , and I think you will find that the percentage of people in the new village who are reliant on public transport as a means of getting to work is greater that what you find in the Greater York area at the present time .
29 In Walker 's ( 1975 ) study of students at Warwick University , among those graduating 46.8% of mature students who did not satisfy the GER achieved ‘ good ’ degrees , while only 35.2% of all students achieved this standard .
30 According to this record landowners were rather thin on the ground , a little more than one in ten of all persons listed in Rutland , and fewer than one-quarter in Buckinghamshire , a county of contrasts .
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