Example sentences of "[prep] if [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 How about if your clothes and fall flat on your face !
2 All the same , constituency party membership rose that year to 265,763 , an increase of well over 10% on 1943.35 With the sudden break-out of the armies from the Normandy bridgehead , it looked as if what Churchill called the ‘ German war ’ was about to come to its conclusion ; and , as we have seen , in October 1944 , when the Commons once more renewed the electoral truce for a year , it was Churchill himself who said that this would be the signal for the dissolution of the coalition .
3 She felt as if her heart had turned into a fist and was trying to punch its way out of her chest .
4 When she saw Andrew it seemed to her as if her heart had stopped beating .
5 To think , " said Miss Tox , bursting out afresh that night , as if her heart were broken , " that Dombey and Son should be a Daughter after all !
6 Because she 'd abruptly felt as if her heart would burst if she did n't let him touch her , kiss her , hold her in his arms again , and then the desire had escalated so quickly that kissing had n't been enough ?
7 She felt as if her heart were reflected there .
8 She turned her back on him , sobbing as if her heart would break .
9 Aware of the loose board near the top of the stairs , she clung to the wall and then slipped down to the garden in shadow , barely a shadow herself , and making as little noise , though inside her head it seemed as if her heart would waken the dead with its pumping .
10 Why was her pulse galloping , as if her heart were surely going to leap from her breast ?
11 Even spoke as if her success were his doing .
12 as if her sauntering were a long stillness .
13 Miranda and Xanthe looked at her , and at her legs , which were pale and sheeny and crossed and held together , aslant to the chair , to one side of the café table , as if her wicker chair were seagirt rock and she a siren with a fish 's tail .
14 Again her eyes were blinking as if her memory were groping to recall the special occasion when her father had a walking stick and she had a parasol .
15 Ari strains and tumbles in the foam , but it seems as if her insides have become hard and dark .
16 She leaped up the track and ran until she felt as if her lungs would burst .
17 Ethel , who could n't tell a flat from a sharp , playing as if her fingers were croquet mallets .
18 Several inches of intricately patterned knitting hung from her needles , she saw with satisfaction , almost as if her fingers had worked independently while she listened .
19 She glanced behind her , as if her door might open .
20 But , ‘ No , ’ Lubor replied , every bit as if her question was an everyday one .
21 It sounded as if her plans had changed at the last minute and , embarrassed by all the trouble Andrew had gone to on her behalf , she had taken the easy way out by returning the keys without a message .
22 The clarinet lay dusty on a shelf beside a Lamb 's Tales from Shakespeare , a sheep 's jaw from which she had meant to begin a study of anatomy , and a rough tangle of embroidery wools with which she had resolved to emulate Penelope , stitching and stitching as if her life and virtue depended upon it .
23 I can not say at what speed they moved , or how many times she circled the base of the tower , running as if her life depended on it .
24 Her slim legs flew along the wide grass path as if her life depended on it .
25 She helped pack the hamper , avoiding his eyes as if her life depended on it .
26 Pascoe felt a little rush of lust , as if her appetite had just caught up with him .
27 Her head was bent and her shoulders drooped as if her fears had been only partially allayed .
28 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Emma apologized , as if her tears put them all in jeopardy .
29 It was as if her sight had n't totally cleared ; the currents of Undersea seemed to move round her , and somewhere Fand watched her silently , eyes full of darkness .
30 Her foremost fear was that she might lose her mind , for trying to think made her feel as if her head were filled with cotton wool .
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