Example sentences of "[prep] she but [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Shots rang out after her but they missed .
2 He then picked up a stool and brought it down towards her but it smashed a ceiling light .
3 I tried to walk past her but she caught hold of the bucket .
4 As far as nudity was concerned they quickly accepted it in Josephine 's act as it seemed such a natural part of her but their attitudes were quite prudish when confronted with the nudes backstage .
5 ‘ They know each other well and the prince thinks the world of her but their relationship is purely platonic , ’ she said .
6 He was very fond of her but it strained imagination to see how she could fit into a policeman 's life .
7 but she said erm ever so kind of her but she said er she did say who she said there was a friend of hers somebody
8 It 's taken it out of her but she 's
9 I meant to be fond of her but I found her tiring .
10 Poor soul , I think of her but I dare n't go to see her .
11 I envy her her happiness — she ca n't help it shining out of her but I 'm also bitter against her for saddling me with this lot , and for changing-me from what I was : she made the young girl into a woman before her time and a bitter one at that .
12 She could feel her mother 's presence behind her but she refused to turn round or even to raise her head .
13 Mr Hellyer was behind her but she was already inside .
14 Everything was against her but she came good in the end , ’ said a relieved George , who had survived the aircraft near-miss in the morning .
15 Alexander was , allegedly , infatuated with her but there was something wrong .
16 Their son Dylan , who is twelve , lives with her but there are no custody conflicts and they have a wonderful rapport .
17 Ferdinando spent the night before departure with her but he might as well not have done .
18 The third time she saw it Allen was with her but he must have been looking in the wrong place , for he did n't see it although she did n't understand how that could be .
19 Letterman thinks that he is failing in love with her but he has the impression that she is using his cosseted and lineamented body in some sinister fashion .
20 what he can say that he 'd go with her but he 'd had to be back , sort of , by four cos he 's going out with you he says that , that 'll get him out of it then wo n't he ?
21 Desmond thinks that he 's the dad of thing cos he was so drunk that he slept with her but his mum
22 After a while , as Liza started to follow , Freddie offered to come with her but she was fierce in her refusal .
23 I asked her if she wanted me to go with her but she said no .
24 For example , a defendant will presumably not be able to say that he injured the complainant intending to have sexual intercourse with her but she then consented .
25 Yes I well remember er I use when I was staying down at Trimley there was erm a lady there who worked in the Billeting Department , who ca who herself was evacuated from London and er , I used to catch the same bus with her but she never would speak to me , erm and erm one morning er she lived down at Curton and one morning they had some erm er German planes over Curton and they were doing some machine gunning and that sort of thing and erm and we met at the bus stop and she was full of it and erm that sort of broke the ice it was
26 I wanted to go with her but she said she had a lot to sort out with Fernando and would rather be on her own . ’
27 I do n't get angry with her but I do leave the room to calm down …
28 I am not very sure what 's wrong with her but I can tell by the way they start discussing the weather when I come into the room that it must be Women 's Trouble .
29 Gizzmo keeps trying to persuade me to go with her but I do n't really want to .
30 You mean , you can go out with her but you 're not allowed to talk her , only Zang is , otherwise you might jeopardize the situation ?
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