Example sentences of "[prep] she [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 Twice she made the kind of excuse that people made at cocktail parties when they wanted to extricate themselves from a conversation and move on to talk with another guest , but five minutes later he was back at her side again , bending closer and closer towards her so that she became unpleasantly aware of the stale , alcoholic aura of his breath .
2 as if reading his mind Maggie tugged him across in front of her so that he could comfort his wife .
3 I watched in disbelief as the Con-Sec paid her , counting out the notes and thumbing them from a pile on to the table in front of her so that all could witness his honesty .
4 He had manoeuvred her just right , pressing her into the tightest corner , standing squarely in front of her so that she had no choice but to stare into his dark , angry face .
5 Both Kiku and Turakina had insisted on riding and , as they galloped along the borders of the cornfields which supplied the Kha-Khan 's granaries , Turakina 's unbound hair streamed out behind her so that her whole head appeared to be on fire .
6 Antoine faltered , sagging against her so that she could barely sustain his weight .
7 The Woman turned , pulling the whole of the little group round with her so that they faced the house , towards the mirror which hung over the sofa .
8 The experience of being molested once as a child and then a man jumping in her car at 21 yrs and her running away remained with her so that she has persistent fear of being attacked and the sense of someone being behind her .
9 A frog asked a princess to take him to bed with her so that he could turn into a fairy prince .
10 Her feet went ; she scrambled and sat down , dragging him with her so that his body stooped in a low bow like some subservient courtier .
11 With an effort , she drove from her mind the thought of the return journey , filling it instead with the experience of the moment , absorbing the sights , the impressions and sensations , storing them in her brain , wishing she had a notebook with her so that she could record them in all their vividness and immediacy .
12 I think she would of liked it er if her son was with her , she would really of liked him to be with her so that , cos she said he , he owns half the house
13 The universe inside her mind exploded her out from its centre of I and other beings poured into her so that she knew their inner selves .
14 And now what she had to do was maintain her temper at white heat until he had pumped his pleasure into her so that she would not lose her nerve — and possibly her satin — by cringing away from him at that vital last moment — vital for him , fatal perhaps for her — and pleading with him not to make her pregnant .
15 And though she half hoped that Friend would wheel alongside her so that she could ignore him , he did n't appear .
16 As Ariel 's voice reached through the darkness that had walled up Sycorax in pain , she tried to recall some of the things she had once known ; she murmured and found that when she did so Ariel stopped singing , so she tried not to remember out loud , but to save the retrieved pieces inside her so that the low , scraping voice of the girl she loved would not be interrupted .
17 A sudden deep misery welled up inside her so that her shorthand outlines blurred on the page .
18 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ Artemis told the woman , moving slightly away from her so that the finger could no longer reach her chin .
19 He kept his face turned away from her so that she would n't see that he was n't telling the whole truth .
20 It coincided with his drawing back from her so that it appeared he was the one to call a halt first .
21 She grinned , happiness radiating from her now that she 'd received Guy 's approval .
22 He walks in front , holds back branches , waiting for her so that they do n't whip back in her face .
23 Sometimes she brings her children with her , which I do n't much like , and sometimes she leaves them with her sister , which I like even less , because for her to have her two children minded for her so that she can mind my one is simply crazy .
24 Yet somehow Paige had always felt protective of her cousin , covering up for her so that she did n't get into trouble with her parents .
25 I ought to feel something for her now that she 's gone , but I do n't . "
26 She twirled slowly , feeling his eyes on her so that it was as though she was receiving an injection of adrenalin .
27 In another sexual adventure , Is My Palm Read ? , a palm-reader turns out the lights on her so that he can leer through her see-through skirt and blouse .
28 His heart was set on her so that he could never relax — this love was so strong .
29 The marquis pinned her to the ground by her shoulders , sitting astride her so that she could n't move .
30 It occurred to her hazily that her own condition was like that of a bulb she had once seen when the power had been suddenly cut down and the light had dimmed to the faintest red glow in the filament .
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