Example sentences of "[prep] they without [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ability to develop new drugs is now greater than most countries ' ability to pay for them without rationing or screening systems — for example , France controls individual prices and Germany has initiated a reference system which pays a basic price for all drugs in the same category .
2 Moreover , these dependent people do not reach a social services department in most cases unless the family can not care for them without help .
3 No need to elaborate on why it would be useless to send for the witness yet , it was accepted between them without words .
4 She remembered the years of forethought and carefulness ( methods described by Lal , always her sage experienced friend ) , and she thought of them without regret .
5 They are left to their own devices , to do as they please , and they will do everything required of them without instruction .
6 Throughout the century proposals for the creation of some kind of reserve of seamen were put forward , all of them without success .
7 Quite a few of them without feet in them , because the humans had taken them off .
8 The belief that these premises are founded on truth is essential to the conception of an understanding of the word ‘ god ’ that does not demand blind faith flying in the concept of the Created God accepts the truth of them without question .
9 He looked up , glanced at the pair of them without recognition and went on his way .
10 You probably will not be able to cope with all of them without feeling deprived .
11 Adults , many of them without children of their own , go into schools for their classes .
12 It should be possible to live in any one of them without staff , though some might need a large and willing family to maintain them .
13 Sit down and they , they swear to me when they 're talking to me and what have you , you know , but we can go into them without appointments , you know , we can work them in between .
14 And that if such openings ensue that there are supportive rituals which allow us to engage in them without offence and terminate them without insult .
15 Less known companies certainly will not get cash from them without ratings , preferably from the two top firms .
16 They traversed lush apricot orchards without comment ; they ignored a shepherd holding out a bowl of milk ; wordlessly they returned to the village where Miss Fergusson , her calculated civility now restored to her , asked the elder if lodgings could be supplied to them without delay .
17 The modern legal aid scheme , which provides financial assistance ( subject to eligibility ) in connection with proceedings in most of our civil courts , has come a long way since 1495 when statute provided for poor people , at the discretion of the Lord Chancellor , to sue without payment to the Crown , and to have lawyers assigned to them without fee .
18 You can talk easily and freely to them without thinking , now , should I have said that ?
19 If someone at work is not pulling their weight , we must be straightforward and talk to them without anger , remaining tolerant even if they are cynical .
20 She liked putting things back in their exactly proper places , thus leading to the postponed satisfaction of finding them again , laying a hand on them without thought .
21 The sound of it was buried by the thunder of the surf ahead and the white spume line was on them without warning .
22 If the purpose of this part of the chapter is to provide a platform for the proposition that , to use the Report 's own words , management generally should ‘ involve employees in decision-making , rather than impose decisions on them without consultation ’ , then it is as persuasive as is any declaration in favour of obvious good .
23 Pumfrey and Fenniway gazed at them without touching .
24 ( He smiles briefly at them without mirth , and starts to back out , his parting shot rising again . )
25 She had protested at their taking the Friar 's sack but now she allowed herself to be swept along by them without resistance .
26 Its chief heterodoxy , ironically enough , was the large theory of Greek cultural development invoked to explain the mystery ; ironically , because the view of Greek culture actually advanced was based — with explicit acknowledgement — on ideas familiar to all classical scholars and accepted by them without demur , but accepted only as a purely historical phenomenon .
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