Example sentences of "[prep] they when [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Please ask your Midland manager about them when setting up your overdraft .
2 The higher castes often attempted , though not always successfully , to create their own cordon sanitaire about them when travelling .
3 If you have to join your seat out of more than one piece , remember to keep the loose tongue or biscuits near to one edge so as not to cut through them when adzing .
4 Such men spoke in court on behalf of litigants and also stood surety for them when required .
5 It has been tentatively interpreted as a praetorium , which could provide a residence for high-ranking officers or accommodation for them when travelling .
6 If you have an electrical test meter you can devise one of your own , using two electrodes and measuring the current passing between them when pressed into a wall .
7 The geological availability of these is used by geographers and historians as a strong argument for why settlements are sited near them when engaged in mining them , or when a particular industry which uses them as a raw material has to be nearby .
8 SENIOR figures in the Presbyterian Church are expressing concern at what they perceive as a ‘ media bias ’ against them when covering matters of public interest .
9 The summary document or record which young people take with them when leaving school or college will need to include two main components :
10 The physical contact which He must have had with them when reclining at table ( compare John 13:25 ) and which He obviously never dreamed of disallowing ( Luke 7:38 , 39 ) must have made them feel clean and acceptable ’ ( Nolan 1976:39 ) .
11 Other senior men took their personal assistants with them when changing jobs .
12 As though their own countryside let them down compared to that of Italy , the wealthy English had with them when travelling a Claude Glass through which they viewed the passing landscape from their carriages .
13 Decisions of the court upon the meanings of phrases used in Acts of Parliament may come , in the course of time , to give them the quality of terms of art which Parliament may well be assumed to have intended them to bring with them when used in subsequent legislation .
14 Whichever strategy is adopted there are going to be problems and it is important to be tuned into them when trying to interpret research in psychobiology .
15 It is the former image which the courts have tended to have before them when reviewing the decisions of corporate managers .
16 This sound mingles with the similar nautical tones of fog-horns as ships enter the Humber Estuary and can be almost indistinguishable from them when carrying so far through a mist .
17 On the other hand , traders buying sterling with dollars will be prepared to trade in the forward market at a rate that is also less attractive to them when compared with the expected future spot rate ( in this case f t will be less than ) .
18 And there are still just as many options open to them when looking for a loan .
19 Those who are considering a professional career would also gain a valuable overview of the various fields open to them when deciding where their future might lie .
20 It is true that the greater mathematical physicist Maxwell referred to them when making use ( separately ) of the " scalar " and " vector " parts of a quaternion , but the vector calculus of Gibbs and Heaviside ( in the 1880s ) seemed to suit the physicists better .
21 It said that the auditors knew that Union Discount was extending credit to Berg and it was foreseeable that it would be sent copies of the accounts and would rely on them when making decisions whether or not to continue or extend credit .
22 Very common words , and particularly the short common words , are recognised so readily that we do not always look at them when reading text .
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