Example sentences of "[prep] you and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 " In the meantime , I have directed that my daughters look after you and keep you entertained .
2 But actually big brothers can be quite kindly and look after you and help you with their experience .
3 And then of course , the other characteristics that go with religion , and that he had emphasized in other books on Totem and Taboo , like guilt , the feeling that you ought to obey the moral commands of the parents , because after all the parents were n't just benevolent entities who looked after you and rewarded you and praised you , but they were your judges and censors as well .
4 We watched you come home , we saw you go into the house and I was all for going right in after you and confronting Imogen , telling you the truth , because I had learned all about how she had dragged you from place to place , from house to house .
5 ( With an inattentive , hyperactive child you might hold him in front of you and ask him to repeat your request as a check that he has ‘ taken it in ’ . )
6 But I 'm going to put the evidence in front of you and ask you to decide for yourselves .
7 The psychological power is eroded because although the community can still disapprove of you and make you an outcast if you defy the hierarchy , beyond the community is the world of English people — an unfriendly world , but it does exist .
8 Stare at something immediately in front of you and make a mental note of what you can see above that object and below it , to the right and to the left .
9 John , John Venables , who is the science correspondents for Radio Cambridge , and as I say who also runs his own media training sessions ; Julian Dunn , who is Senior News Reporter for Radio Cambridge , so I hope he 's going to kneecap a few of you and make life fairly uncomfortable when he 's doing some trial interviews , and Lloyd Addison , who 's a freelance from Radio Norfolk .
10 Just on the floor at the front here , would you people just pick up one or two of the things that you have in front of you and hold them up above above your heads please .
11 Stake out plenty of territory , always a high-status activity , by spreading your papers in front of you and using expansive body language ( especially if you are physically small , or female ) .
12 Have you ever been on a motorway when somebody has pushed their way in front of you and caused you inconvenience , made you brake ?
13 Look at a particular point on the wall in front of you and try to relax .
14 Resentments , rivalry , rebuffs and power struggles appear to have knocked the stuffing out of you and undermined your confidence .
15 He clears his throat , which is suddenly somewhat congested , and reads : ‘ Whatever happens to me , I shall always be thinking of you and hoping that you will have green grass for your cattle . ’
16 Telling one 's own stories to children of different ages is extremely satisfying and also shows you where you went wrong in the rhythm of a sentence ; unconsciously you alter it to fit the audience in front of you and get it right , so that it makes its point swiftly and powerfully .
17 to see and talk about it between the two of you and see how you got on with it .
18 It ca n't , thought Robert , be good for the personality to have a load of middle-aged men prostrating themselves in front of you and sobbing every time you open your mouth .
19 Sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you and move backwards and forwards by ‘ walking ’ on your bottom .
20 There are so many anglers fishing for carp today , not all of them recognising or caring that carp can be frightened very easily , it is now more usual to ignore the area immediately in front of you and cast , with specialised tackle , as far as possible .
21 thinks of you and smells corruption
22 You can restore a more relaxed feeling to your body by flopping forward , dangling your arms in front of you and shaking your hands loosely from the wrists .
23 But the tales that were told were not only gruesome but frightening — in fact sickening is probably a better word — of what happened to you if the desert Arab got hold of you and handed you over to his womenfolk .
24 Your partner kneels in front of you and presses down on your knees .
25 In fact , eventually , it will crawl out of you and drop off , to pupate in the ground .
26 And what would you have done if Schemichal got hold of you and threw you off the pitch like last night ?
27 Each time I saw you coming dancing towards me along a sunny street , moving lightly on your toes like a boxer , with your slightly duck-toed run that I , a turned-out-toes walker , found so male and so sexy , my heart jumped in my throat and I wanted to run towards you and throw myself into your arms .
28 Then hold the yarn down and towards you and push the carriage further along the needlebed ( in the same direction as the last row was knitted ) until the weaving yarn is free .
29 Rehang the appropriate shoulder of the first piece you knitted from its waste yarn on to the needles you have just emptied , with the right side towards you and pulling the needles out so that the stitches are just behind the latches .
30 When on a close reach , hook in by pulling the rig sharply towards you and letting the line swing up to meet your hook .
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