Example sentences of "[prep] you [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of you had a shower installed because it was convenient and saved time , and also because you liked the fact that it uses less water than a bath and provides an extra bathing facility .
2 ‘ The Panel of Judges was summoned , to decide which of you had the stronger vein of wolfblood , ’ said Dierdriu .
3 In one of the biggest-ever Mirror phone-ins , 51,136 of you said a resounding YES to our question : Do you still want Diana to be Queen ?
4 My Heart bleeds to see the Concern he is in ; and it would be the utmost Satisfaction to me , if I could hope any thing of mine could contribute to his comfortable Subsistence in his old Age : I therefore beg of you to take the Key of my Buroe ; and if any thing is to be made of my poor Papers , that you will , for my sake , endeavour to promote a Subscription for his Benefit , which you so kindly have propos 'd for mine
5 get a question on water , which is very common , you get sort of you get the full marks to it .
6 I hereby surrender the lease of the above premises dated 19 May 1972 in consideration of you accepting the goods set out in the inventory below in full and final settlement of all claims and demands against me under the terms of the said lease and specified in the notice of distress dated 2 March 1988 .
7 Two-thirds of you chose the make and model on your own or with your partner , and 25 per cent were guided by information in magazines .
8 Because until G C S E you are fed , the school is fed , in that you are told fairly quickly what you have to do and although I know that a number of you spends the right amount of time or a lot of time on homework , you are told usually , er you have erm a night or two nights in which to do this particular piece of work now once you get into the sixth form
9 Has any one of you seen a sheepdog puppy when leaving Pack Meeting ? ’
10 What you got ta do is , each card , if you they ar the person in front of you asks the co the question and if you get it right you get that card and each card has got a letter on it and you got ta try and make up sex maniac .
11 One of you hold the receiver and the other one do the numbers .
12 Your friend can share the experience of you seeing the boy .
13 I 'll be very impressed if one of you gets a hundred percent .
14 Half of you felt the journal should remain free with membership , as it is an important way of staying in touch with the Institution 's work ; while other members said they would willingly pay extra , over their subscription to receive it .
15 T.V. is relatively difficult to get onto , in terms of you taking the initiatives , you contact the B B C or I T V and say , ‘ I have a thing which you ought to have , ’ and unless it 's really outstanding , the chances are relatively small of getting on unless you are very lucky or you know somebody or you just hit the right spot at the right time .
16 Through the years though more erm through the years we actually only receive thirty percent of our input I suppose one of the examples are and then we only remember twenty percent of that thirteen percent again the danger of you know every remembers this
17 Cos I saw erm a photo when I was eighteen and I it was sort of short in the neck over my ears short in there and then sort of fuller there and then just a bit of you know a light fringe not a heavy fringe and I thought I might have it like that so
18 It begins with John Helm of Yorkshire TV introducing the speakers : Helm : Right , gentlemen , we have n't won a championship title since 1967 , but both of you know the rules — three falls or one submission and any knockdown and the one still standing retires to a neutral corner .
19 The the facilities the kind of things I mean what what kind of you know the ki erm is erm Would you like more there to be more friendly people or not , do you or do you think there 's enough ?
20 All of you know the truth .
21 ‘ Do any of you know the true identity of the victims , or does the phrase or family motto ‘ Noli me tangere ’ mean anything to you ? ’
22 We t we sometimes talk about sandwich days do n't we , sort of you know the morning , the evening and the middle of the day ?
23 I do n't I thin I think there 's probably a lot lot less sexism just in terms of I think we 've won their respect by you know and and certainly when th they did n't want us to picket in the beginning , and then over the months really the women have done quite a lot of successful picketing when we 've been asked and and we 've staged quite big pickets quite a lot of you know the big pickets were really organized and the rallies have been organized by us and really sort of quite a lot of the input into into the strike I think has come from the women 's support group in in quite a unique way .
24 Erm well as many of you know the first one of the first things that you see , if you 're c approaching the town from from the A six one two , from er .
25 I mean you 're obv er to me you 'd there 's more chance of you getting a blue bead out .
26 That 's right , in that erm , you 're , the probability of you getting a well paid job is greatly enhanced , if not guaranteed if you know er , the people who are employing you .
27 Now out of that two we 'll say well share it out between the four of you take a quarter each .
28 Quite a few of you got a lot more and the winner , congratulations go to Margaret Howlett from Little Milton .
29 One of you got an A B C !
30 How many of you got the three right in that one ?
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