Example sentences of "[prep] not [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Whether your students are planning to attend holiday courses in Britain , or are merely curious about the lifestyle , customs , and civilization of the British , When in Britain is designed to encourage them to think about not only the British way of life , but also about their own .
2 But , throughout it all we see Jesus as not just a teacher , he must be more than that .
3 ‘ Manufacturing is seen as not quite an acceptable career for educated people .
4 Pliny named the plant Euphorosinum because it was thought to bring happiness and joy , and the Greeks and Romans both regarded it as not only a comforting plant , but also a supplier of courage .
5 He said this , in the thirty years that have passed since the previous Police Act became law , the old tripartite structure which consisted police authorities , chief constables and the Home Secretary , has provided an effective police service which can still truthfully be described as not only the best in the world , but also the envy of the world .
6 So deep-rooted were his various obsessions and so pronounced his self-importance that he came to be regarded in some quarters as not merely an individualist but something of a crank .
7 In their cramped and insanitary dwellings , often ill-fed as they were , the poor of Frome were constantly beset by outbreaks of typhus ; known variously as ‘ Irish Fever , or ‘ Gaol Fever ’ , it frequently picked off not only the inmates of the country , s overcrowded prisons , but also the hapless judges who had to try the prisoners .
8 The exclusion from the survey of land held by customary tenures not only restricts attention to a minority , but seriously distorts the profile of effective ownership , for not infrequently the lord of the manor 's control was more apparent than real :
9 Adjusting to her style of leadership must have been a learning process for not only the maintenance man .
10 It reaches us through not only the filtering processes of memory but also the demands of style : and this is particularly obvious in this instance Although his autobiography was never published , the teller of this tale , James Mackenzie , was a professional showman who ended up on the fairground stage .
11 So , the elaboration of a theory is through not only the kind of conceptual elaboration spoken of earlier , but also elaborating the indicators through pattern searching .
12 Most of the literature that deals with indigenous psychologies fails to take into account the possible variations in this respect between not only the sexes , but between other social categories such as chiefs and commoners .
13 So Smith is arguing that Freud 's analyses were conducted at a time when society was still undergoing a fundamental shift towards not only an industrialised society but one characterised by the growth of large cities .
14 However , in recent years the methodological changes outlined in Chapter I have not only reduced the relative amount of work in this field , but also transferred the focus of interest away from the fairly limited concept of land use towards not only the more abstract concept of landscape , but increasingly to behavioural studies of how we value land and landscapes .
15 ‘ A strike could lead to the collapse of not just the economy but of Russia …
16 Somewhere , there must be the remains , of not only a Roman bathing establishment , but also a temple and sanctuary dedicated to this goddess .
17 And it became the best selling single of not only the year but of the decade in Australia .
18 The contrast between the rapid growth of the ‘ professional ’ and ‘ intermediate non-manual ’ groups ( as well as the ‘ employers and managers ’ category where the growth is slower but the starting point higher ) and the decline of not only the ‘ manual workers ’ group but also the ‘ junior non-manual ’ , suggests a substantial change in the balance of these strata among the male population , and reinforces the idea of a decline in the ‘ traditional ’ male working class .
19 From the psychiatrist 's perspective it is important to remember that these sums are ‘ in support of not only the elderly , mentally ill , mentally handicapped and physically disabled people but also drug and alcohol abusers , homeless persons … mothers and babies in registered specialised accommodation , terminally ill people in nursing homes , people on probation and ex-offenders in registered accommodation . ’
20 He expressed the Malaysian hope that the non-aligned countries ‘ will be able to endorse the neutralisation of not only the Indo-China area but of the entire region of Southeast Asia , guaranteed by the three major powers , the People 's Republic of China , the Soviet Union and the United States , against any form of external interference , threat or pressure ’ .
21 Each language module under WSP consists of not only the character tables , but also a dictionary , which WSP uses to improve recognition accuracy — see the How does OCR work box .
22 a paying in defendant can be ordered to pay the cost of not only the plaintiff but also the costs of co-defendants and the plaintiffs costs of proceeding against the co-defendants .
23 It forms a record of not only the resources allocated , but also those requested , and after a few months of operating the system the project leaders ' requests become realistic and they even strike agreements with each other on timing and amount of resources in advance of the meeting .
24 The implication of this is that any policy proposal for a particular industry can only be made after an investigation of not only the structure of the industry , but also of the objectives and conduct of the firms within it .
25 Based on these assessments , the proposals have the support of not only the County Council and the Borough Council , but also the general public .
26 Confessions of not quite the ‘ new man ’
27 The technical know-how and facilities are available for the taking , but different levels of awareness and understanding of the new Directive are needed throughout not only the electronics industry , but also any company buying , selling or using electronic equipment .
28 Equally , the post-1934 popular front phase was a generally liberal phase of cultural development in French communist circles , unlike not only the RAPP experiment and the subsequent Zhdanovite policies in the Soviet Union , but also the Cold War communist cultural politics of post-1945 France .
29 Hamlet is up against not just a man , but a king , he will have to strike when the king is unarmed , And he would also have to be able to explain his actions , and yet even his mother does not believe him , but only see him as mad
30 It does not help that the Singapore dollar has been appreciating against not only the greenback but also the currencies of Singapore 's three main trading rivals : Hong Kong , Taiwan and Korea .
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