Example sentences of "[prep] he and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He caught hold of the two nearest him and knocked their heads together , kicked two more and grabbed the ringleaders .
2 Three of the remaining four were working together until Sunbury when Anderson and Ferrari missed the rollers , allowing Pereira to break away but Andersen chased after him and passed him before the finish .
3 She leaned across to pull the door shut after him and felt his warm breath on her cheek .
4 Glancing over his shoulder with a huge wink , Oz banged the door after him and went whooping across the yard .
5 The Triplane came after him and made a long , angled pass , but he was unaware of it .
6 ‘ Leo ! ’ she yelled in exasperation , dashed after him and skidded to a halt as he stopped abruptly and turned .
7 She looked after him and said , in a low voice , ‘ I wish I could tell you what it was like in the desert .
8 Robyn stared after him and heaved a furious sigh .
9 Ruth blazed , limping after him and struggling with the cool-box .
10 ‘ We drove in after him and stopped about six or seven spaces away .
11 In 1799 he invented an electrometer named after him and produced a simplified version of his plate electrical machine , which became the most popular type in England .
12 ‘ Go on after him and try . ’
13 If I run after him and shoot him , blow him away , destroy his body , annihilate , the pain will be released .
14 What if Surere knows you 're after him and decides to do something about it ? ’
15 If I noticed in time I would have to run after him and ask for it .
16 He nodded encouragement to his fellows , and they shinned up after him and dropped down into the stockade .
17 Without time to do more than yell in protest as he set off , Sarella launched herself after him and did her utmost to keep pace .
18 I 'll , er , see to it , I mean , I 'll endeavour to see , I mean , well , I 'll try to look after him and see he comes to no harm . ’
19 And he 's prepared to renew it , provided we 're prepared to look after him and see he stays in power . ’
20 Félicie waited with him for news of the birth , and during the anxious time Modi asked her for advice , knowing that Jeanne was too preoccupied in looking after him and coping with her mother 's often unhelpful interference to look after a new baby alone .
21 Now Peter 's family can get on with looking after him and coping with his illness without worrying about losing their home .
22 I ran after him and grabbed his arm to stop him .
23 Lloyd shut the door after him and pulled up one of the chairs , straddling it .
24 The youngster played a major role in looking after him and ensuring he could be cared for at home .
25 Closed it after him and pushed the bolt .
26 I think about going after him and asking him , but I change my mind .
27 Then she flew after him and snatched the box away .
28 Let it get gamey and he 's erm Chinese assistant the person who has been assigned to sort of look after him and do his do his translating and things like that took it down and buried it cause they did n't eat rotten meat they did
29 Disgruntled , he turned sharply away , leaving her staring after him and shaking her head , disappointment and frustration written on her face .
30 He raised a sardonic eyebrow as she sat down opposite him and started to eat .
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