Example sentences of "[prep] he [conj] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We drove in after him and stopped about six or seven spaces away .
2 He drew her towards him and planted an affectionate kiss on her forehead .
3 Lloyd George thought very highly of him and used to quote with approval his dictum that in politics ‘ there are no friendships at the top ’ ( too often attributed to Lloyd George himself ) .
4 Caspar took no notice of him and carried on through the wood towards the field .
5 His conviction rested on two confessions Gilmour alleges were respectively beaten out of him and concocted by police officers .
6 Maxim stopped trying to peer at the shadowed faces in front of him and put on a pair of sunglasses .
7 A sleek blue BMW purred past him and halted about ten yards ahead .
8 The dog slunk past him and settled in front of the electric fire and growled back at him .
9 He is convinced that a Cabinet minister is plotting against him and determined to find out who it is .
10 At the Easter vestry in 1818 Merceron was voted out , and shortly afterwards he was convicted of the charges against him and imprisoned for eighteen months .
11 As his driver took charge of the wheelchair in the hall , Marshka looked behind him and noted with satisfaction that the meeting was already breaking up .
12 Still smiling , still watching her , Guido reached unhurriedly behind him and detached a stem of bright red geranium .
13 One of them came up behind him and hooked an arm around his throat while another snatched the whip from his hand .
14 She went everywhere with him unless forbidden by regulations and never went away on her own . ’
15 On 14 April , Allitt was alone with him and called a nurse .
16 He replied , apparently to the students ' dissatisfaction , that he had himself encountered nothing of the kind and indeed that many of those who had started off the war with him and seen it through to the end had become major military commanders .
17 There was the man who had been with him and taken the briefcase from the hotel room and who in the morning would go back to the Golani Brigade stationed on the Lebanese border and who would be chided by his fellow officers for having taken leave while the military workload was intense .
18 He was in Paris from June 1720 until November 1721 , but the ministry had little confidence in him and appointed first John , second Baron Carteret ( later Earl Granville , q.v. ) , as ambassador extraordinary in January 1721 , a post he did not take up , and secondly Sir Luke Schaub [ q.v. ] as ambassador the following month .
19 A sense of power grew in him and spread through his body to his brain .
20 Louis was " made very sad indeed " when Charles was taken away from him and sent to the monastery of Prüm in the Ardennes .
21 Kate looked away from him and concentrated on the ormolu clock on the mantelpiece , its ticking the only other sound in the room .
22 She took her coffee from him and shifted across the bed to give him room to lie down .
23 She put her arm round him and pressed against him .
24 All the stories I 'd read about him and heard about him from other caddies were true !
25 But if Lucy had talked about him and given out some kind of general warning , this could be as far as he 'd ever get .
26 He felt his way along the narrow walk of the triforium to the distant end , close to the east window that showed a shapely pattern of starry lancets against the blackness ; and there he wrapped his cloak about him and huddled into the corner with his back against the wall .
27 The other children were clean and decently fed , but this one had a smell of the gutters about him and looked like he could do with some good food to fatten him up .
28 The contrast between the two men of near-identical appearance is shown in a less formal , more novelistic manner in the character of the King , depicted in The Prisoner of Zenda as a weak , pleasure-loving young man trying to equip himself for his destiny and in Rupert of Hentzau as a man ill in body , weaned by matters of state , gradually coming to resent his obligations to the man whose courage and energy have twice saved his position for him and burdened by jealous suspicions of his wife 's fidelity .
29 He feared that Robinson had seen through him and played with him .
30 He could feel Ho 's body rigid with tension beside him and clutched at his shoulder , forcing him to stay still .
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