Example sentences of "[prep] i [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The great tousled world about me began to stir with life again .
2 The men about me began to shout as the line reached the first houses and a cheer came back .
3 ‘ Retirement for me meant dropping out of a whole network of people who had been very much part of my life .
4 Being gay for me meant identifying with people who were of a similar age to myself and with a particular way of dressing .
5 There was another side to loving myself , that for me seemed to bear directly upon my cancer .
6 Tiredness , the excitement of the journey and of sitting , so late , at a pavement café such as I had seen only in films ( these agreeable continental institutions had not yet spread to London , far less pre-Festival Edinburgh ) , as well as the unaccustomed intake of alcohol , all made my head reel .
7 yeah I think yeah and , and he er , he look , he did n't even know how to take bloody back off I had to show him how to take it , I said oh I 'm not leaving this with him , that were video
8 I used to run a training course on on how to run exhibitions and one of the things that that female were always surprised about I said do n't where high heels on the exhibition stand .
9 Suddenly I noticed that although the prisoner opposite me had thrown back his head and was snoring loudly , he was not asleep .
10 I do not believe Jean-Claude 's feelings towards me had changed — mine towards him had .
11 There was one point during my test when I was driving along and erm the I was creeping forward in a stream of traffic and the person in front of me had crossed the solid white line at some traffic lights and the lights changed and it would have been very easy to follow his lights and just carry on
12 Getting rid of me had proved too much for him and he was now trying to force through a muddled compromise .
13 Part of me longed to do away with all of it .
14 Half of me wanted to say , Do n't trust me , you do n't know me , it 's dangerous for you to take people at their word , you so frangible , me so robust ; the other half wanted to say , I love you , come away with me , sit on my knee , I 'll always remember you .
15 One l half of me wanted to hurt the people who had hurt me .
16 After a couple of hours of observing in these conditions , shapes and objects in front of me appeared to move , if I stared at them for too long .
17 I had been so in love with her , and a part of me needed to mourn that loss of feeling .
18 Then the sidewalk three yards to the left of me started exploding , and an earthquake line of stone chips advanced towards the cart .
19 Yeah well I was only in Gwindy for three years , then I went to Lewis Girls because I lived this end of I had to go to I loved Gwindy school .
20 I 've got to go listen it 's been lovely t talk to talk talking to you if you could pop in with a bottle of I wanted to try the new Beaujo If anybody 's got it and they come over , just ring the ring the door bell .
21 The man behind me kept pulling at my coat .
22 This guy sitting behind me started playing with my hair and touching me up .
23 ‘ Well , nothing like I 'd imagined I 'd feel in this situation . ’
24 The awareness of the world 's antiquity which was often with me seemed to intensify , to be a solace .
25 Carol Haslam , who came and worked with me wanted to cover the health area .
26 so I mean she 's , she 's she 's and I said to her when when all the things were going wrong with I had to have a lot of chats with her and said well you you 've got to prove that you can rebound from this
27 And they says , Well a person who lived in your flat before you had a telly , you know and they gave me some excuse , you know that the the the person who lived in here before me had ripped them off and they says , How do we know that you 're not that person , you know things like that .
28 The person that was in my cell before me had urinated in it , so I had to clear it up before I could sleep and that was n't nice .
29 Something inside me had snapped .
30 I then er , we then broke away and went up to the er , I suppose it 's the , I do n't know what part of the , but it 's the Dales , that 's where I moved to then and then to because my dad could n't , getting on in years , he could n't take the hills up and then from I got married and we moved into this address here and then that was the day after war was declared that I got married .
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