Example sentences of "[prep] i [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was also a change for me sea fishing not to have to wear clothes — at least not many .
2 You know for me Sunday dinner .
3 So for me Aldershot method , cluster but most important was the thought patterns .
4 ‘ Someone stole the bubble out of me spirit level , ’ he protests .
5 He added : ‘ Showbiz people like me share tea-time with millions of viewers for six months a year .
6 DAVID LYNCH will unveil Twin Peaks : Fire Walk With Me aka Twin Peaks The Movie at Cannes Film Festival this month .
7 In the parlour you go , me lad , or I 'll crown yer with me kitchen poker . ’
8 I chased 'im all the way up the Butts with me stew saucepan , and a bobby 'ad to come an' save 'im from 'aving 'is brains bashed in .
9 Tonight we 're going to take a look at two aspects of education and I have with me Stephen Ball , who 's been carrying out research into the different between streamed and mixed ability classes in comprehensive schools , and Sandy Grassy , who co-ordinates the many links between the science side of the university and schools .
10 Next week we shall be in Scotland with the Helensborough and Gerloch Horticultural Society so I hope we can cultivate your interest again then but for now from Daphne , Fred Walter and from me Stefan goodbye and may I wish a joyous and peaceful Christmas to all of our gardening friends everywhere .
11 One of the children was crying loudly and Mrs Bennet said , ‘ Ee are , queen , here 's a biscuit I just found in me pinny pocket . ’
12 Well you 'd never believe : ‘ e just sent a heart-rendin' letter to me Agony Column
13 Betjeman 's poem ‘ Original Sin on me Sussex Coast ’ makes a point unwillingly learnt from his old tutor when it depicts the sheer wickedness of children bullying one another , unseen by the sentimental eyes of the mother whose mind has been washed by modern advertising techniques and the vacuous optimism of the age :
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