Example sentences of "[prep] it could [be] " in BNC.

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1 One could write clear , concise objectives for a completely irrelevant content , and one 's teaching of it could be improved , but this would in no way justify the use of an irrelevant curriculum .
2 In the Continental Can decision in 1973 the European Court held that a company which already held a dominant position in the Common Market or a substantial part of it could be treated as exploiting it abusively so as to infringe Article 86 , if it moved significantly towards monopoly by taking over a competitor .
3 How true the tale of this lemming population might be is beyond verification ; certainly a great deal of the monastic retelling of it could be put down to the strong regional bias of Northumbrian biographers against the strange races of the deep south .
4 In letters to charities she is warning them about the extra administration time that trustees will spend making tax claims and notifying changes of registered particulars , and advising them that much of it could be saved by selling existing investments and contributing the proceeds of sale to a common investment fund .
5 Woodworm and beetle infestation makes much of it unsuitable for structural work but treated and cleaned up with an adze to give it the right period look , much of it could be put to good decorative effect .
6 If you listened carefully to what I said , though , most of it could be taken two ways .
7 I am sure much of it could be billed and relocated this winter to begin to create a new landscaped edge to the extension .
8 Some of it could be ascribed to a basic weakness in the Council of Ministers ' decision-making machinery .
9 At the Feb. 12 enlarged politburo meeting , Jiang conveyed Deng 's remarks that reform represented the only future for socialism in China , and that there was no need to fear capitalism as some parts of it could be " useful " .
10 Not all of it could be joined together prior to delivery as size precluded it from being transported in one piece .
11 I would imagine a lot of it could be .
12 The Liberal Democrats would make education up to 18 compulsory although much of it could be done in the workplace rather than just in schools and colleges .
13 Thus the intrinsic value of something follows from its intrinsic nature , so that nothing exactly like it could be of a different intrinsic value , while yet it is not one of the features one could properly list in indicating what something else would have to be like to be just like this thing .
14 Still sounds like it could be a winner though , so we put Direct Designs and Psygnosis in touch … watch this space for further details , and hang on to your postage stamps !
15 Now if this sounds like it could be the kind of course you need call Action Line and they 'll put you in touch with the people at Fast Forward and once you 've got the training and the qualifications the next thing is the application form is n't it and you 've got details as well today of someone who can help with that have n't you ?
16 Well , this voucher scheme sounds like it could be worth the 12 quid alone … any chance you could fax me the application form Gavin ?
17 But no country threatened with it could be sure that it would not .
18 Accordingly , if Mr. Lassman is correct , that kind of activity of going straight to the in-house computer and extracting confidential information from it could be committed with impunity so far as the three offences in this Act are concerned .
19 One of these , the Salle des Maréchaux , the principal reception room whose first floor windows with their balcony gave on to the gardens ( facing the Place de la took place within it could be watched by those who were not participating .
20 Each room was wired on a different circuit so that the lights in it could be switched on and off at will .
21 Several colleagues remember her habit of turning a design to one side and the other and back again lest anything in it could be viewed as a tiny insect or wild animal 's eyes , thus creating horrible fear for an imaginative child .
22 There 's nothing worse than a jam where there 's not bits in it could be anything .
23 Without relative truth to hold on to it could be argued that absolute Truth , which is a matter of faith , would be nothing but empty utopianism .
24 On the other hand , the introduction of staff external to it could be seen to guarantee the objectivity of the exercise for all concerned .
25 If there has to be a last minute addition to the contract after the document has been prepared and is awaiting exchange , it could be written into the draft contract before exchange , or some reference to it could be added to the contract so long as all that was done with the authority of the parties who signed it .
26 The list above is only meant to be indicative , and to it could be added those that are difficult to categorise because of their broad nature — loss of confidence , which could occur because of any of the above risks , but is also a risk in itself , and fraud .
27 The same questions as those in the mental test were also given to some pupils as a standard written test so that performance on it could be compared with the two mental test versions .
28 If King Ginger Nut turns it on it could be the total rout it should be .
29 I do not see much to encourage me at all , but this does not worry me for it could be much later when they arrive , after I have left for home .
30 More seriously , it may be anachronistic to highlight one man as the unit for study — for it could be argued that " the individual " had not yet been discovered .
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