Example sentences of "[prep] it when they " in BNC.

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1 Snow had come very early in the year , but all of October had been so intensely cold that no one was really surprised to see such a heavy fall , although there had been no sign of it when they entered the hall .
2 Bob tried to talk him out of it when they were on their own , at the sandwich bar in the Gates .
3 Only adults make a pig 's ear of it when they first start fishing as adults .
4 Amazing how people 's attitude change towards it when they learn you got
5 The back row were swifter to the loose ball , had a clearer idea of what to do with it when they got there , and their impressive half-backs were given every opportunity — which they eagerly took — to control the game .
6 An individual 's sexuality is their own affair and they will come to terms with it when they are ready to .
7 It happens a lot in couture and a lot of designers do it , because they suffered from it when they were young .
8 about a metre , a metre out from it when they take off .
9 to stop the wetness seeping through and that the gel , what they do is they shave rabbits , and rub it into their skin , the rashes and that and a couple of rabbits have died from it when they first started testing the stuff
10 you know that were in it when they were still brand new
11 It was convenient because they could put her to sleep in it when they stayed overnight in strange houses .
12 ‘ They also broke into a similar car but appear to have lost interest in it when they realised it was a used model .
13 Benny and Eve were in the window of Healy 's Hotel practising having cups of coffee so that they would look well accustomed to it when they got to the Dublin coffee houses .
14 Paul got used to it when they lived together .
15 We could still be looking for it when they blow us out of the water . ’
16 ‘ Fortunately they lost a ball and were looking for it when they spotted the baby wrapped in a towel , ’ he said .
17 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
18 I have no research to prove that it is an effective relaxation technique , but everyone who has experienced it asks for it when they come back for more treatment . ’
19 get all these programmes for some reason , somebody allowed for it when they put the system in , mind you still have to check it I suppose but checked through it , tested it , took me about five minutes , still a minimum charge of an hour
20 They were both thinking about it when they were hailed from across the street .
21 There have been teams from abroad , probably having heard about it when they or their friends attended colleges and universities in Bradford or Leeds .
22 When Sarah told her that he had been offered and refused a foreman 's job , Anne was bitterly angry that he had said nothing about it when they met the previous evening , but now she was unable to resist saying , ‘ Yes , that would be great , ’ as coolly as possible .
23 He puzzled about it when they had left .
24 ‘ And wo n't they all feel terrible about it when they stop to think what they 're doing to you ? ’ she asked in a fair imitation of an Irish brogue .
25 It 's going really quick in n it , when I keep thinking about it when they go back after half term
26 A third way in which doctors may become interested in homoeopathy is through having one of their patients helped by it when they themselves had failed .
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