Example sentences of "[prep] it do n't " in BNC.

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1 FAILURE I can use the system but part of it does n't work at all
2 Er if , if there is a sufficient er indication in these words an indication , a pointer as I say , if there 's a transparency in these words which enables us to see through to the truth then our formulation of it does n't matter all that much .
3 The problem with sub-£10 champagne is that most of it does n't taste very good .
4 I mean we do n't whether she sort of it does n't say whether she volunteered to go and talk to the people in the school , but even so it 's quite it takes quite a lot of doing to stand up in front of a group of people you do n't know and talk about the work .
5 no my Lord that 's right , but , but , that does n't mean to say that if your Lordship did n't stayed there would be any , if your Lordship did or did n't stayed or any part of it does n't compute a validity of section fourteen until one 's got a judgment saying , it 's bad for example , I mean that 's what we 're arguing about until such and the
6 sitting there doing paper work and the ki erm the kids use it as a a an office and what have you , there with their paper work , Sarah does her homework there and we have our meals in there so erm sort of it does n't really matter but er you know it saves them all coming out for a meal , and having to do it cos trouble is it 's too small to keep an eye on people to see if they want anything , everything 's alright and what have you
7 Oh , cracks me up , cos of it does n't
8 Sure , some of it does n't exist yet we 've got ta create this stuff , but , you know
9 The importance of it did n't surface until Germany was reunified .
10 Erm , can I say that it 's only last year that we organised that video for secured car parks , and employed a blooming outside presenter to do it , and that cost us twelve thousand quid , and that were at Derby and they made an excellent bloody video of it did n't they ?
11 I had a fortnight of it did n't I ?
12 Yes , when he run off , he jumped in front of it did n't he ?
13 Well he thought of it did n't he ?
14 in Barbados and er some young chaps had saw me lying on the beach and er they stole my bag and they stuck a gun in my face and freeze lady , you do n't do any thing , you just let them take what they want and its a horrible feeling when your there , we were there for three weeks and it just totally spoiled the holiday but the ramifications of it do n't just stop once you got on the plane home , it was very frightening
15 Read that and see whether you think it 's er accurate or which bits of it click and which bits of it do n't .
16 Er now it s it seems that the idea is for this Isle of Man company I think you kn you know the name of it do n't you which I 've forgotten .
17 Oh my dear I was , it , you sort of feel exhausted with the worry of it do n't you ?
18 They get a lot of money out of it do n't they ?
19 It is a bit difficult it 's like it 's almost you want you want to get inside it at the back of it do n't you ?
20 Cos we all walk past it do n't we every week ?
21 Yeah , it had that really feel to it like it does n't feel too alcoholic and then suddenly goes whooooooo
22 looks like it do n't it ?
23 They had , they have the plain white but the edging was more like it did n't match , it was a
24 Er this will show beneath it Do n't
25 And the next time you buy something from a shop and find there 's something wrong with it do n't just jump to conclusions that you 've been deliberately cheated .
26 and she gets away with it do n't she ?
27 you , you want to keep your race , i if you 've got a an alsatian or a , a bulldog , you do n't mix it with a some o you keep them , another bulldog with it do n't you ?
28 Well you get fed up with it do n't you really ?
29 catalogue , that went up there and call in , call in with it did n't they Alec ?
30 You suffered for years with it did n't you ?
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