Example sentences of "[prep] it [adv] than " in BNC.

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1 At other places people have often sought to reduce casualties by carrying the toads across the road and putting them into the breeding pond , but as often as not the toads they put into the pond were moving out of it rather than in , so the toads have to run the gauntlet of the road a second time .
2 It can be argued , to the contrary , that the more the courts are opened up to arguments based about the interests of the public or of significant sections of it rather than of particular individuals , the more likely are the judges to be drawn into political battles which ought to be resolved in the political arena and not in courts .
3 But maybe you can educate people out of it rather than ban ?
4 Erm that way you 'll have an understanding of it rather than just saying , Well this bit is always .
5 I think you would draw a different picture of it here than you would in Manchester or the Derby area .
6 It was the shock of it more than anything .
7 The deposits produced by Vulcanian eruptions are similar to those produced by Surtseyan eruptions , in that they too consist of highly-fragmented material , with a large proportion of it less than one millimetre in size .
8 Alfalfa is suggested as the reward , as horses like it more than other hay , and it wo n't matter how much they eat .
9 Lehmann noted that Minton was ‘ at his happiest and most intimate — and less hysteria underneath it all than often of late ’ .
10 Where shall ye now get as much money as ye owe ? ’ , and when she was given forty pence she bought herself a furred cloak with it rather than paying off any of her debts .
11 These motives can be exploited to good effect by skilful MPs who understand the system and work with it rather than try to change it .
12 If a bank has a surplus of cash , why might it choose to make a market loan with it rather than giving extra personal loans or mortgages to its customers ?
13 The need for arousal thought well should I be absolutely calm when I 'm giving a presentation but I never am so is it right and now understanding that you need a certain level of arousal to be able to perform at all is is satisfying for me because at least I understand the situation now and able to work with it rather than against it .
14 Yeah I know it 's well again , you know , kind of once you can see , once you can see what 's wrong with it rather than just sort of , you know , screwing it up and throwing it away , you know kind of if you can use that as a basis for , for , you know , kind of putting more of the stuff in that makes it look a bit more academic
15 I would n't underestimate the problems of famine , but this is largely a question of mild distribution , and I think we 're learning to cope with it better than fifty years ago .
16 Attracted by the lion 's share of a $10m industrial assistance fund , a bit of McDonnell Douglas has already arrived , bringing with it more than 1,000 jobs .
17 The treaty on foreign policy carries with it more than a commitment to co-ordinate our policies .
18 The white foamy part of a broken wave is largely made up of air bubbles and the board often digs into it rather than riding over it .
19 had supported League of Nations sanctions against Italy and Cripps resigned from it rather than accept this decision .
20 ‘ Why women suffer from it more than men do , why ’
21 ‘ Women suffer from it more than men — especially women who have been brought up to think that it is enough just to look beautiful . ’
22 But Big Black were the sort of band who , having invented a blueprint , worked within it rather than move away .
23 The structure was there and I think anybody who 's been in this business for any number of years , some of us have been in it longer than others er know that you actually need a structure er of that , of that little .
24 Well you can keep different things in it now than you could n't before .
25 I get up fairly early , as you know , so he would n't be in it more than a few hours . ’
26 ‘ He 's in it more than Tony Benn and Ken Livingstone , ’ he says .
27 Oh , it 's two more grains in it more than the other I expect !
28 inside it rather than
29 He and his wife had fallen out over it more than anything else .
30 If clients are better able to use another office , the team will direct them to it rather than act as key workers .
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