Example sentences of "[prep] it [be] go " in BNC.

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1 So a lot of it 's going to go through the big pipe and then what happens to it when it 's come through the , the , these three pipes ?
2 Many people who have not been sailing before , many parents are worried about their youngsters , think that it 's dangerous and whatever and we have all this information , we have all these checks , we have a wonderful education scheme er within our own organization in this country and we should go out and sell that and I think we , a lot of it 's going on already and I do n't decry that and we need to just market that a little better to get more youngsters on the water because once we get more youngsters on the water the pyramid gets wider , the building gets higher , so that 's an important issue
3 Well also the rest of it 's going to look a bit weird at the bottom is n't it ?
4 Most of it 's going to take the easy way short cut
5 But this 'll tell you if you 're veering that way , so you can go , ooh , and perhaps spend one day a week on that , just to get into it , and the rest of it 's going to be managing my practice .
6 ‘ I mean , ’ he spelled out for her , ‘ I wo n't force your engagement to my brother to an end if I feel some aspects of it are going to be — how shall we say ? — under my control . ’
7 Seventy per cent of it is going into farmer 's pockets , right , even on goods like m m manufactured goods , we pay V A T on er manufactured goods and that V A T pays for our contribution to the European Community and most of that contribution , about seventy per cent of it , goes to farmers tt erm , right so the next economic costs to European Community right are fourteen point nine billion alright that 's the size of the dead weight loss that 's the inefficiency right , of agricultural support right , losing fifteen billion dollars a year , right , just going down the er , the Swanny okay Just a couple of point just before we er before we close .
8 ‘ Labour 's £600m would not help primary or secondary schools as most of it is going on nursery education or restoring student grants . ’
9 As before , a little water was used to thin the acrylic to the consistency of cream and most of it was gone over twice to get an even coverage of bright intense colour .
10 He felt sure the man had been paid some sort of allowance for putting him up , but it did n't look as if any of it was going to be spent on food .
11 Yes , an and what really upset the erm the , the members of the scheme and the pensioners was the fact that the money was going to actually erm fund the redundancy per programme er for the business and was going to the benefit of the employees and none of it was going to the actual pensioners .
12 anyway at least you 've made contact and it seems , seems like it 's going okay
13 If you carry on spending money like it 's going out of style you 'll end up in debt with a mass of interest to pay off .
14 David Jensen 's playing like it 's going out of fashion !
15 I saw Lukic launch into the tackle and it looked , for all the world , like it was going to end up as a foul but I could n't see if it was outside the area .
16 You 've got three thousand people locally who 've their signatures to a petition who do n't want this thing on their doorstep because they 're worried that they 've tha that there 're going to be things wrong with it 's going to affect the quality of the lives of people in Selby .
17 Are we going to go for fourteen lane high way , or motorway , on the M twenty five , cos if you do , all the roads that lead from it are going to have to be fourteen lane .
18 Warning MacQuillan against his folly was one thing , killing him to save him from it was going too far .
19 Any good Strat , for example , responds to every tickle and forearm smash , but a lignum vitae-bodied plank with an overwound Deathbucker in it is going to be far less responsive .
20 The whole idea of this experiment , as I see it , is that everyone in it is going to decide , and carry out , much of what is now decided by experts and provided by big organisations .
21 Whatever the resistance of this comes to it 's going to be less than fifty ohms .
22 If you just flick it on and off it 's going to use very little .
23 ‘ In fact , if we 're busy at work I can see that having to try and explain all the complexities of the London Metal Exchange to someone who knows absolutely nothing about it is going to be a real drag . ’
24 When I got my telescope to look through it was gone .
25 It 's useable by it 's going to go into the , the archives for public consumption .
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