Example sentences of "[prep] and the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But you 've now got a new wife or girlfriend and there 's a new child to look after and the money wo n't stretch .
2 It was darker indoors than out and the oil lamp was already lit in the hall .
3 Monitoring of the state of and the changes in the environment is now universally recognized as being of profound importance to mankind ( Tickell 1986 , 1989 ) .
4 These details are given to emphasize the enormous difference of scale between any problem Howard dreamed of and the problems facing recent TDC directors .
5 That was very interesting and I thought a good write up of and the things that he did , there to survive the World War Two and of course I go back to when the crews were formed and we flew together training at Pyo Texas and at er Dallasburgh , Tennessee and then from there went overseas , we went to er Scotville , Illinois and picked up new planes in Petermover and it was , we went to Stagen area .
6 The kitchen does have that rustic look Mary Jane 's so fond of and the rest of the fittings add to a farmhouse feel , too .
7 The authors would like to acknowledge the participation in this study of service users and staff and the assistance of and the help and support of other colleagues in the Centre .
8 I mean no one 's suggesting doctors sit and learn all the theory of and the history of the development of medicine , but I 'm sure that it 's important to have some knowledge of your area .
9 The order must state the nature and short description of the property the interim receiver is to take possession of and the duties to be performed by him .
10 Elizabeth was in an unenviable position : here she was , at the age of 36 , with young children on her hands and no husband to provide the necessities of life , at a time when Social Security was undreamt of and the country was in the grip of an economic crisis .
11 Sir Bernard Tomlinson was asked by the government last October to advise on the organisation of and the inter-relationships between the NHS and medical education and research in London .
12 A comprehensive survey is carried out on screen as to the makeup of the building , what the floors are made of and the dimensions of each room .
13 A body known as the G10 Commission had the authority to decide , either ex officio or on application by a person believing himself or herself to be under surveillance , ‘ on both the legality of and the necessity for the [ surveillance ] measures ’ .
14 Given the creation of Rail Track , the constitutional position in respect of the accountability of and the support for the British Transport Police is clearly most unsatisfactory .
15 I promise you that I will continue to listen and where I can I will do my best to respond to the wishes of the ideals of and the aspirations of this movement that I hold so dear .
16 This association calls upon Council to make strong representations , including the use of the normal information retrieval procedures , to both the Advertising Standards Authority and the Office of Fair Trading to control more effectively the current advertising of and the availability of credit and to press for a tightening of existing guidelines and legislation covering advertising loans , credit cards and other financial services , in order to make the full implications clearer to the consumer ( for example , the nature of a secured loan ) .
17 This is an oversimplification , but the relative areas of and the relationship between the main land uses outlined above and the wildwood is always an important consideration for any period for the landscape historian .
18 Moreover , by today 's standards they both adopted rather naive assumptions regarding the nature of and the relationship between behaviour , ideas and respondent reports of these .
19 If a portfolio were constructed from the above investments with weights of and the return and factor weightings would be as follows : .
20 It was one of the worst years ever for the construction industry and many a card this Christmas carried a message that 1992 was a good year to see the back of and the hope that in 1993 things may start to look brighter .
21 Well also just my experience , my own experience with the developments of and the evolution of the policies in Kuwait coming at working at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research , there were many erm studies conducted at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and the other institute , The Social erm Political Institute , and they were the main of that was the probe through all these policies and through these institutions we have in Kuwait and try to improve it to a standard that the Kuwaiti people and the neighbouring country can benefit from at that .
22 Much honour was indeed involved in the investing of and the matter was taken seriously .
23 And the Bishop married me there and the vicar and er quite a lot of people had come there from all over like because I was being marrying in the Welsh church you see , I did n't have a lot of And the Bishop married me , that was something for them to come .
24 Since that time I have come to know him and his wife and I can vouch that together they will be first class first citizens of and the office of the Lord Mayorality will continue to be respected and dignified and enhanced by their terms of office .
25 During the last decade , there has been much research on the effect on economic performance in Western industrialised countries of the structure of and the relations between the main economic institutions .
26 Our legal correspondent looks at the possibilities of and the background to plea bargaining , one of the issues covered in a recent Government consultation document on improving the delivery of justice system in Scotland .
27 The surveyor will advise the client as to his opinion of the state of repair and condition of and the value of the property specified by the client on the standard form of house buyers ' report and valuation published on behalf of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors . …
28 What he does not observe , but would wish to , is their separate effects , the value of and the value of .
29 A most interesting feature was the employment of Mr D. T. Holmes to visit the Highlands and report on the use made of and the appreciation of the libraries .
30 But now the shot by Gemmell and the rest of the players of and the bench are curious they thought they should have had an off should have had an offside in that er buildup .
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