Example sentences of "[prep] and [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 She made three trips , each time carrying a pair of heavy jugs which she emptied into a small copper hip bath : and each time increasingly aware of and responding to the gauntlet of Hope 's lust .
2 The Holy Spirit out of all that we 've been speaking about and listening to you can give us the end of the sentence .
3 ‘ Seen the crowd ? ’ asked the Duke , buckling on a wooden sword and striding up and down the narrow space , waving his arms about and muttering to himself .
4 On his walks he could sometimes be observed waving his hat about and talking to himself .
5 Through marriage he created the possibility of consciously knowing about and coming to terms with his own painful experience of loss .
6 Social care in a group care setting covers the time spent talking with and listening to people , hearing their stories , nurturing and encouraging them in the effort to make sense of the later stages of life .
7 We hope that this booklet provides you with useful information to be used as a starting point — to start thinking about the issues that HIV and AIDS may raise for us in our lives and to start talking with and listening to our lovers , families , friends and colleagues in an informed , non-judgmental way .
8 Okay well do n't worry do n't worry he ca n't you know just think of something though having said that if you look at the role that you played in the group moving towards the chairman 's style , taking over the group perhaps becoming and you were n't a person that sort of took over and forced your views on everybody but you were certainly up there at the front with and listening to people taking information and manipulating everything that you had to fit what was coming in from everybody so that does show Chairman 's skills , Chairman tendencies
9 The attitudinal use of intonation is something that is best acquired through talking with and listening to English speakers , and this course aims simply to train learners to be more aware of and sensitive to the way English speakers use intonation .
10 My own experience , backed up by that of field workers I have talked with and beginning to be supported by some research evidence suggests that other factors such as personal maturity and the will and opportunity to keep up to date are even more important .
11 One of the functions of later life is dealing with and coming to terms with many earlier experiences to review life and evaluate it .
12 We have already noted that two key ingredients contributing to this crisis have been the burgeoning remand population during the 1990s and , closely linked with and contributing to this , the explosion in the number of committals for trial to the Crown Court .
13 It 's great for keeping tabs on where your money is coming from and going to and for tracking investments .
14 Outside an elevated railroad station men in raincoats with collars turned up and hats with brims snapped down bustled busily , coming from and going to nowhere in particular .
15 To inquire into and thereby establish the fullest possible account and the civil liberties implications of the role of the police , the police authorities and the criminal courts in the events arising from and relating to the NUM dispute which began in March 1984 ( see NCCL Report 1984 ) .
16 Consider a salesman who has to visit each of n towns once , starting from and returning to town l .
17 Voice of all races similar : a meadow-pipit-like song , delivered in aerial song flight , rising from and returning to either ground or a rock ; and a sharp ‘ phist ’ , less high-pitched than Meadow Pipit 's and rarely uttered in triplicate .
18 When two businesses are both buying from and selling to one another the outstanding accounts between them can be offset and the net balance paid by whoever owes it to the other .
19 The obvious approach would be to have two additional features : gliding to and gliding to ; , and would be ( -gliding to , -gliding to ) .
20 They lived initially in Vila Victoria , near to and belonging to Reid 's , and then moved up to Quinta Gordon ( also known as Quinta de Monte ) , in Monte at the invitation of the owner , Luis da Rocha Machado .
21 Through her interactions with children in response to their work , the teacher also models processes of actively listening to and responding to ideas , questioning , exploring and sharing which the children will then be able to use for themselves .
22 My treatment of intonation is based on the belief that foreign learners of English at advanced levels who may use this course should be given training to make them better able to recognise and copy English intonation ; the only really efficient way to learn to use the intonation of a language is the way a child acquires the intonation of its first language , and the training referred to above should help the adult learner of English to acquire English intonation in a similar ( though much slower ) way — through listening to and talking to English speakers .
23 a method of binding a paper cover to a book by drawing the cover on and gluing to the back of the book .
24 I am fundamentally lazy and decided that we would inevitably be scrambled so it was less effort to remain in my aircraft and wait for it , helmet on and listening to the R T. The next thing I saw was people running — I still could not hear anything due to my helmet — and on looking round saw the 109s starting their dive on the field .
25 A man was walking past the girls across the street , looking at and talking to them in turn ; then he went off with one of them .
26 Defined as the " executive apparatus of presidential authority " ; headed by a Premier chosen by and reporting to the President , and comprising around 15 heads of ministries and departments in charge of " those spheres of government assigned to the Union in keeping with the allocation of powers between the Union and the republics " , plus the heads of republican governments ; replaced the 69-member Council of Ministers , responsible directly to the Supreme Soviet .
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