Example sentences of "[prep] a [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Janabi failed to return to his job at the Ministry of Military Industrialization after a vacation in Jordan .
2 ‘ As a guy , girls do not come after you like a guy would come after a girl in a band .
3 But the Neighbours crew dubbed me Bruiser after a scene in which I was supposed to hit Jason , ’ she said .
4 Comfort is good , oily hands do n't slip easily and handles withstood a belting after a spell in the freezer .
5 Eventually , after a spell in Scandinavia , he met Steve Coppell and pleaded with the Palace boss for a trial .
6 But a stroke left him paralysed , and after a spell in hospital he moved in with his daughter and son-in-law .
7 KAMOZE RETURNS after a spell in a Jamaican jail , choosing a slightly rougher version of ‘ Hot Milk ’ than Sly & Robbie 's for this typically oblique lyric about his impending dominance .
8 After a spell in the army , he developed this into a business taking second-rate acts to provincial Soviet cities .
9 After a spell in teaching , she joined the Irish Times ; five years later , in 1973 , she was offered a job in the paper 's office in London , where she met her husband , writer Gordon Snell .
10 The gibbering hippies and spaced-out fatsoes who go there , they come back looking all clean and sane and fine , after a spell in the war , in the Nam , in what they call the shit .
11 After a spell in Manchester ( 1908–11 ) as secretary of the North of England Society for Women 's Suffrage , she became honorary secretary ( 1911–15 ) of the National Union of Women 's Suffrage societies , led by ( Dame ) Millicent Fawcett [ q.v . ] .
12 Then , after a spell in prison , I took charge of a lodging house called La America .
13 After a spell in the sauna I had to make a choice .
14 After a spell in Australia Biddles is back and celebrating a great victory … its a great story for our Friday Feature
15 It 's thought to be that of a man last seen in May after a fight in a pub .
16 Nick Pollard died after a fight in his home town of Newent in Gloucestershire .
17 I remember that when Philip and I first made our way through London to a shop which was depicted in an advertisement , in spite of the crowds on either hand all along our route , in spite of the full directions of our elders , we were as much elated by our achievement as if it had been an arduous discovery made after a journey in a desert .
18 For ten years , from the time she arrived in France — after a journey in which she showed considerable enthusiasm for the new life to which she was going , and very little sign of regret about leaving her country , let alone her ‘ dearest mother ’ ( in contrast to Mary of Guise 's grief ) — until her marriage , she was the fêted darling of the French court .
19 Mal Gibb joined a Lancaster scheme after a degree in systems modelling at Sheffield Polytechnic and is now helping to develop computerised production at Nairn Kingfisher , a wallpaper plant on the Lancaster quayside .
20 Mal Gibb joined a Lancaster scheme after a degree in systems modelling at Sheffield Polytechnic and is now helping to develop computerised production at Nairn Kingfisher , a wallpaper plant on the Lancaster quayside .
21 Denmark — which rejected the Treaty after a referendum in June — was given special dispensation to wait until 1993 .
22 Turkmenia voted accordingly on 27 October , after a referendum in which ( as in Armenia ) the idea of independence received overwhelming popular support .
23 After a performance in Manchester towards the end of 1989 , Gedge was accosted by a group of fans who told him vehemently that the band 's new songs were poor compared with previous material .
24 Although staunchly against trade unionists after a strike in 1889 , he introduced profit-sharing schemes for his workforce .
25 The moon has set ( the warriors with Dulé are still gliding towards the Rebecca ; the sloop is growing broader , taller , blacker as they approach her ) , but the stars are burning in the dark blue distance , one of them sparkling emerald and ruby and sapphire as if shaking drops of water from itself after a bathe in the liquid of the sky .
26 Robin Knox-Johnson has recently been honoured at the Silk Cut Awards for his seamanship in navigating his yacht Suhali one way across the Atlantic with nothing more than an astrolabe , a cross-staff and a lot of skill , and then back without a mast , engine , radio or compass after a battering in a series of storms .
27 Police are hunting three men after a stabbing in Oxford city centre .
28 THREE drivers escaped injury after a crash in Northallerton .
29 The centre , designed by architect Nicholas Groves Raines after a competition in 1987 , will be partially enveloped by a glass shell within the building , allowing light to enter through the church 's widely-admired stained glass windows .
30 One of the best ways to keep your eyeshadow in place — even after a dip in the pool — is to use waterproof colours .
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