Example sentences of "[prep] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 e.g. tenant has installed a fitted kitchen — this would be covered for the perils listed under the ‘ Insurance for your liability as a tenant ’ section of the policy .
2 Such a need could be met by processing the whole file sequentially and looking for the records required , but this would be very inefficient .
3 All was silent in the rehearsal room , except for the actors speaking their lines .
4 Nevertheless , by not extending the underskull over the chin , and by covering the lower part of the mask fabric in hair , enough jaw movement was permitted for the actors to convey speech with some realism .
5 I WAS , and remain , an enthusiast for the proposals set out in John Smith 's alternative budget — as Kenneth Clarke said , incredulously , during a television broadcast , an intentional exercise in redistribution .
6 So for five years , for that is the gestation period recommended for the proposals to prove their effectiveness , tour-day cricket is ordained for the promotion of spin and a wicket-taking approach to bowling , and the enhancement of batsmen 's application and technique .
7 As for the proposals contained in ’ Escaping the Debt Trap ’ — the hon. Gentleman kindly sent me a copy — it will not surprise him if I do not agree with all of them .
8 later , though , he mentioned ‘ a lack of positive approach and waiting for the runs to come ’ .
9 The long-term solution is for the executives to learn to do these things well .
10 There are three suggested routes for the pylons taking power lines from Picton to Shipton .
11 ‘ This is a moment for the governors to take hold of things and show they are running the BBC .
12 It would certainly be improper for the governors to go into the medical or educational case history on which the call for provision had been based .
13 In general , it was for the governors to determine the admissions policy at the school after consultation with the local education authority .
14 There was also a conference room for the governors to have their meetings .
15 Nobody suggests that , apart from section 6 , it was anything but proper for the governors to adopt religious criteria for selection .
16 A spokesman for the magazines said : ‘ The result was in little doubt . ’
17 Similarly Eric Elwood , whose attitude was so positive and who played such an influential role in his two matches , was too much of an unknown quantity for the selectors to risk selection .
18 Although striking an important psychological blow by coming out on the winning side against his main challenger , Wasps ' Steve Bates , he admitted : ‘ Even though I am the man in possession , it would be just as easy for the selectors to pick Steve . ’
19 However , behind that piece of information will be a myriad of pieces of evidence for the selectors to collect — information about parental values to do with winning and losing , about school attitudes to the athlete 's success , about energy , persistence , etc .
20 Marsh was always expected to return for the World Cup , and Waugh , with this superb innings , made it extremely difficult for the selectors to ignore him too .
21 Belgrade radio claimed that police used force only after their order for the demonstrators to disperse had been met with stone throwing .
22 At the end of 1067 there had been a great fire which had made nearly all the buildings unusable except the dormitory , the refectory , and enough of the cloister to make it possible for the monks to walk from one building to another without getting wet .
23 Having eaten two packets of bacon-flavoured potato crisps , he had purchased another tube of Rowntree 's Fruit Gums , which he was now enjoying while waiting for the lights to dim .
24 ‘ The minimum time for the lights to flash before a train appears is 30 seconds , ’ said the spokesman .
25 They stopped at the comer of Gray 's Inn Road , waiting for the lights to change .
26 As we waited for the lights to change I noticed a sleek white sports car which had stopped at the foot of the church steps to take in a passenger .
27 Instead of waiting a matter of seconds for the lights to change , the hapless riders either remain in the saddle , take a chance when they see a gap in the traffic , or get off and wait for the green man .
28 High on the wall of my room , near the open window , waiting for the lights to come on , a gecko is clinging on hopefully to the knobbly plaster .
29 Before leaving employees , a limited situation in which it is permissible for the directors to give priority to the interests of employees should be noted .
30 Under section 245A , where copies of the annual accounts have been sent out , laid , or delivered to the Registrar and it appears to the Secretary of State that there is or may be a question whether they comply with the Act he may give notice to the directors indicating the respects in which it appears to him that the question may arise and specifying a period of not less than one month for the directors to give him explanations or prepare revised accounts .
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