Example sentences of "[prep] be [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , in 1975 an executive who suffered emotional distress after being demoted was awarded £500 compensation .
2 A MAN who refused to speak for several days after being arrested was yesterday given a 12-month conditional discharge .
3 My earliest memories of being abused are of going into a neighbour 's house when I was five or six and getting money for what he made me do .
4 Parents may jump to the conclusion that the fact of being adopted is the root of the trouble when that has nothing to do with the case .
5 The chance of being killed is 0.9 per 100,000 . ’
6 In fact , Albany and Schwartz tell us , the Davy lamp enabled the managers of the mines to extend operations into seams with dangerous atmospheres , so when accidents did occur , the chances of being killed were far higher , This example sets the tone of the remainder of the book , which discusses more topical issues in science and how they are manipulated to serve one vested interest or another .
7 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
8 It is not pleasant to be shot at , and even the pleasure of being missed is spoilt by the mind 's habit of constructing alternative scenarios ; if the machine-gunner had been a bit quicker to react , or had led us with more skill , we would now be nothing but a heap of molten metal somewhere in the sea-grape .
9 The small percentage of jobs he speaks of being created are all highly skilled , whereas the majority of the unemployed are untrained , unskilled and have not the qualifications for further training .
10 The small percentage of jobs he speaks of being created are all highly skilled , whereas the majority of the unemployed are untrained , unskilled , and have not the qualifications for further training .
11 Is the Minister aware that three annual checks by Welsh trading standards officers discovered that as many as one in five lorries on Welsh roads are overloaded , yet the chance of being checked is one in every 5,000 journeys ?
12 Merely the experience of being governed was enough to provide a political education .
13 If the probability of being included is equal for each member of the relevant population then the sample is said to be a random one .
14 Although Helen is aware that her feelings of being to blame are irrational and unjustified , sadly , they are not easy to rid herself of .
15 The fingers en route and for the purpose of being chilled were placed in a packet of ice lollies !
16 Maybe because my days of being needed are nearly over . ’
17 ‘ Your dress and the chance of being interrupted are n't your only reasons for delay , are they , Claudia ? ’
18 ‘ That some women enjoy fantasies of being raped is well authenticated , and they may , to some extent , welcome a masterful advance while putting up a token resistance .
19 The chances of being raped are also high ( Brownmiller 1975 : 257–67 ; Davis 1970 ) .
20 The survey tells us that the chances of being burgled are less than the risk of domestic fire and that the chances of robbery are smaller than those of being admitted to a psychiatric hospital — not that such statistics will be a lot of consolation to those who are burgled or robbed .
21 Forty percent of consultants questioned said fear of being sued was a key factor .
22 Stiff with pride — which she was now sick and tired of being told was a Leo trait — and buoyed up by the certain knowledge that it would have been morally indefensible for her to desert her father , Laura had taken some weeks to realise that there must surely have been another way for them to solve their problems .
23 I thought it unlikely that it would come to a showdown about me being a lesbian , but felt clear that the chances of being disciplined were high .
24 It means a lot of being enjoy being on the wrong side , if I can put it that way .
25 The D R one A is currently an excellent er tactical reconnaissance aircraft , all weather , at night etcetera and er it will go on well into the next century so there 's no great hurry to make a decision er one of the first points has got ta be decided is whether we carry the reconnaissance equipment in a pod under the aircraft replacing some of the other weapons or whether we try to build it in and er but taking first things first we have to get the requirement sorted out .
26 Then all that 's got ta be done is chucked in the oven in n it ?
27 What saves an ordinary cat from being over-mauled is the fact that sooner or later it struggles and scratches .
28 It can do so only through a constant turnover of individuals , whose sole purpose in being born is to reproduce and then die .
29 What she appears to be asserting is that this person is coming home from Canada .
30 All that remains to be said is Happy Christmas and good wishes for a New Knitting Year !
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