Example sentences of "[prep] be [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It may of been when between there
2 and it must of been because of that
3 I was pleased that he was more diplomatic afterwards instead of being as over the top as ever .
4 All I am sure of is that in the face of that child , as he lay dead upon the couch , I saw something of my own future .
5 The project which we report here came into being because of this concern ; it was one of several recent attempts , all part of the same climate of interest , to sustain some highly dependent old people in non-institutional settings .
6 erm and given the right weather , there is no better place to be than in the Thames and Chilterns .
7 The assumption seemed to be that through some mechanism or other , the additional allocation of relatively small sums to be used for capital projects would moderate the problems of the inner-urban areas .
8 Warwick 's chief stewardship in the duchy of Lancaster went not to Gloucester but to Hastings and the implication seems to be that at this stage the king was more concerned to reward his allies than to undertake a major reconstruction of royal authority in the north .
9 Warwick 's chief stewardship in the duchy of Lancaster went not to Gloucester but to Hastings and the implication seems to be that at this stage the king was more concerned to reward his allies than to undertake a major reconstruction of royal authority in the north .
10 And the point of his saying seems to be that with the littlest of faith , the great tasks can be accomplished .
11 In the former , to a first approximation , the initial amount of radiocarbon in an organic sample is taken to be that in the atmosphere now , but many adjustments are made to this assumption as will be seen below .
12 Another reason for Yugoslavia 's large exports to the Soviet Union is said to be that in this way the Soviet Union can obtain Western products which would not otherwise be so easily available to it .
13 Lotze 's own notion would appear to be that in addition to the experience of the touch we have a visual image of the whole body , with one part , as it were , highlighted .
14 The Tyneside experience seems to be that in ‘ gentrified ’ areas this will happen , but in areas which retain their original working-class population as owners rather than tenants , then grant aid is necessary if the stock is not to deteriorate beyond redemption .
15 The fact seems to be that in such cases it is inappropriate to think in terms of discrete variation .
16 The only difference appears to be that in the one case there is consent and in the other there is not .
17 Although after 1762 the company , often known as the Opéra-Comique , became Paris 's second official lyric stage ( giving premières of works by Monsigny , Philidor , Grétry and others ) the only iconographical evidence of a conducteur seems to be that in illus.4 : a hitherto unnoticed detail from an exceptionally ornate full-score title-page .
18 I understand the various accou er professional bodies in the accountancy industry are in fact doing that but I think the government should also do that because it is not just the probity of financial institutions we are concerned about , it is also er the auditing of other commercial concerns and it seems to be that in this case the public interest has taken second place to the government 's wish to do as little as possible , yet again the minister said in the debate that if we were to do anything further in response to a question put by my honourable friend the member for Grimsby , it would need legislation , primary legislation .
19 The government 's bet seems to be that by rigging the stockmarket it can lure in enough suckers to help companies raise massive amounts of equity , rather as America 's bull market has helped companies to do there .
20 This was said to be because of the risk of radioactive iodine emitted during the fire getting into people 's thyroid glands .
21 This seems to be because of the small size of the owl in relation to its prey , so that it can not swallow the prey whole but tears it up as do the diurnal raptors ( see Appendix for details of little owl biology ) .
22 New Scientist , in an article by Stephen Salter , explained that simplicity was not synonymous with efficiency or even soundness and that failure of a project is often wrongly said to be because of its complexity .
23 I ca n't say we really got to talk properly until we played tennis together at Kyalami in 1976 , just before he took up his Lotus drive , but it was evident from the first that he was of sound mind and body and somehow radically different from any other driver I 've met before or since , and if I were pressed to say why that is so , it has to be because of his utter imperturbability .
24 Got to be because of the election .
25 The higher variability between biopsy samples in the BrdU method is likely to be because of the second reason — that is , this method is more affected by the conditions of incubation and subsequent processing .
26 Direct compression of the ureters was not the cause of the obstruction , which was thought to be because of enzymatic degradation of the ureters .
27 Things we make in the UK are much more readily exportable than they used to be because of this .
28 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
29 The most telling point against Janette Richardson 's methodical interpretation may well be that no commercial benefits to the merchant can be imputed to his generosity and hospitality towards the monk ; the monk is invited to his house simply " " to pleye … in alle wise " " , " to have fun in every way " ( 59 – 61 ) , and is able to borrow a hundred francs from the merchant even at a time when cash in hand would be particularly useful to him in his business ( 255 – 92 ) : this , significantly , is the immediate context of the merchant 's reflection : Derek Pearsall nicely describes the poignant ambivalence of a single action that is motivated simultaneously by instinctive self-interest and by the " " inner springs " " of human virtue in the Shipman 's merchant 's desire both to be and to be recognized as generous .
30 But it was n't to be and as a result we now have fewer engineers and probably fewer skilled people in industry than ever before : crumbly foundations to build upon if it is going to be built along the old traditional lines .
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