Example sentences of "[prep] people still [verb] " in BNC.

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1 An Australian visitor was surprised at the number of people still smoking in Britain and the areas where smoking is allowed .
2 Of course ; the film was just one minuscule component of a particularly significant period of the last half-century , at a time when many millions of people still viewed film and pop stars as providers of some kind of visionary lead .
3 A lot of people still remember Her Ladyship , the little white cow which was featured such a lot in Too Long a Winter , and so do I , of course .
4 I know it 's commonsense but unfortunately a lot of people still tend to leave these er objects lying about in easy reach of the young child , okay ?
5 ‘ . It remains a valetudinarian place , with baths a mile out of town to the east where plenty of people still go for treatment .
6 The nation had also become economically and demographically stagnant : heavy industrial production lagged behind Britain and Germany , nearly a third of people still lived off the land , and in 1940 the population ( at about 40 million ) was little larger than it had been in 1900 .
7 A Surrey police spokesman said : ‘ There are a lot of people still to talk to , and we are in close communication with the Jockey Club . ’
8 erm the second factor , of course , is migration , and we know that there are lot of people still moving away from areas of relative decline , they 're moving into the countryside , parts of Wales , Scotland .
9 The vicar is now so unpopular that only a handful of people still attend St Mary 's Church .
10 A solid snake of people still wound back along the north shore of the loch .
11 Little knots of people still talked earnestly in the street outside the church for a long time afterwards .
12 ‘ And I do n't think the manufacturers are particularly interested in women ; a lot of people still think of beer as being a real man 's drink , ’ she says , peering over the rim of her pint glass .
13 It 's only a little thing , putting window locks on , on , on , you would n't buy a house now without a lock on the door , but a lot of people still buy houses without locks on the windows .
14 Even when there 's precious little money about people still have to eat , and our ships do a steady bread and butter trade in produce from the Continent .
15 Twenty years on people still remember those visits .
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