Example sentences of "[prep] give he [art] " in BNC.

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1 I expect somebody might of given him a lift up , I do n't know .
2 Mr Ahmet Koc , aged 34 , a Turkish peasant farmer , described to the General Medical Council 's professional conduct committee how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , stolen his kidney to be used in a transplant .
3 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
4 ATURKISH peasant farmer wept yesterday as he described how a Harley Street doctor had allegedly , under the pretext of giving him a blood test , ‘ stolen ’ his kidney to be used in a transplant .
5 If he fails to do so , the mortgagee will be entitled to an order of foreclosure absolute , the effect of which will be to vest the mortgaged property in him absolutely , but at the same time to prevent him — even if the property should prove insufficient — from claiming payment from the mortgagor , except upon terms of giving him a fresh right to redeem .
6 I was thinking , ‘ I bet nobody has thought of giving him a beer . ’
7 Dad often helps folks with their gardens and he is going to ask them to give a donation to Camphill Development Fund instead of giving him a present .
8 What this means is that B should have raised the substance of his Convention claim under any domestic procedure which was capable of giving him a remedy , including any avenues of appeal , unless , according to Commission practice , there were some reason for excusing him from doing so .
9 But there was nothing she could do about it , short of giving him an explanation for the presence of Richard 's car outside her flat .
10 Two years after his return from Cetinje , Vuk received official confirmation of rumours and hints that Miloš was considering giving him a pension .
11 And after a meeting of the club 's directors yesterday , Rovers vice-chairman Geoff Dunford revealed : ‘ We are very pleased with the job Malcolm is doing and we are considering giving him the job until the end of the season . ’
12 ‘ Tom Jones sang ‘ Unbelievable ’ , I did a rap and kind of gave him a mock blow job at the end .
13 He could he was a brilliant machinist and er oh crikey I 've seen him turn out a a three throw er crankshaft within a couple of days er you know without any precise measuring and and and in fact he just sort of put his roll on on on a on the shaft he was turning and just sort of gave him an idea as to I mean his eye was almost as good as many a bloke 's measur measurement with a rule .
14 She did n't feel like giving him the news .
15 Further , the employment of an agent may be such as to give him an authority to contract on behalf of his principal generally with regard to a wider or narrower class of affairs ; and as between the principal and third parties such authority can not be limited by restrictions imposed by the principal , but not known to third parties .
16 With his splendid physique and proud , noble head his presence is such as to give him an instant advantage over any bowler , and he has rarely failed to put that advantage to use ; spinners in particular have suffered at his hands , but when he decides that he wants to score runs it is virtually impossible to bowl to him .
17 Leonard talked him into giving him a lesson .
18 He had tried to beat his son into giving him the respect he was unable to feel for himself .
19 I have another seven days before Jens 's cousin arrives from the States and finds his would-be protégé has been seduced into giving him the cold shoulder . ’
20 His opportunity comes when a lone housewife is murdered by a psychopath and shortly after he himself catches " flue and reckons he can trick the doctor into giving him an alibi that he is too ill to get out of bed .
21 despite the now fashionable equation of knowledge with " science " , the average undergraduate , whatever his special intellectual bent , still demanded that a university should primarily concern itself with giving him a liberal education .
22 Pickering had nurtured Davies since his days as a schoolboy triple jumper , and Davies has frequently credited Pickering with giving him the confidence to compete at top level .
23 The 26-year-old University of Natal graduate , credited his god with giving him the concentration he needed for his marathon .
24 ‘ By the way , Chief Inspector , can you give Ken a ring and think about giving him a hand with that robbery case ?
25 Every little thing concerning Jacob turned into a private battle between Rachel and I. When I gave birth to Reuben , I believed that my husband must love me for giving him a son .
26 In the last few months he had consciously ingratiated himself with Joe , flattered him , let Joe think that he was grateful to him for giving him the breaker 's job .
27 Robyn shot back , furious with herself for giving him the opportunity to make her feel foolish and inferior all over again .
28 It might be worth giving him a bell to let him know what 's happening cos
29 But the love that surrounds that boy is having a marvellous effect in giving him a life .
30 We say that he has done enough damage in bringing about the birth of this child , in giving him a father who does not know he is his father , a mother who is so ice-cold a scientist that she willingly abandons her own child to the researcher in the laboratory , where he will inevitably be regarded in the same light as any other laboratory animal .
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