Example sentences of "[prep] give [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 We 've got ta give them to them today have we Andy and Michelle ?
2 erm the buyer 's guide and the business card erm yes it is a legal requirement but I mean , you know , do n't hammer the fact , this is a legal , I 've got ta give it to you , okay so it came across in that particular vein .
3 He knows he 's got ta give it to you then .
4 Oh I 've got ta give it to my new employer .
5 got ta give it to her we 're , we 're leaving school in three weeks , you know !
6 This shows an irony that although Saint Francis gave all he had to the needy , the church is spending its money on building magnificent and expensive structures instead of giving it to the poor .
7 Who were you thinking of giving it to ?
8 Normally we heat it first and add biscuit so that the dogs have a warm , mixed meal , but tonight Odd-Knut is considering giving it to them frozen to save time .
9 To her , as to Edmund , the question of legitimacy is a nuisance to be subverted : When Goneril 's ‘ trusty servant ’ , Oswald , bears a letter from her to Edmund , Regan attempts to corrupt him into giving it to her ( IV.v.20ff . ) .
10 What about giving them to charity ?
11 And like half way through it they said ehm , they 've giving somebody the wrong prize money or something , they 've giving somebody fifty pounds , they should off giving it to this other coloured women right , and apparently this women was giving it all wow man yeah man , and all this you , you know they give it to them in the end and then she won the twelve hundred pounds .
12 ‘ Funny things , are n't they ? ’ holding it to the light , checking the measure before giving it to Rosen .
13 Why did Mrs Jenks insist on giving them to him for breakfast ?
14 They 're gon na give them to him .
15 And then I came , I thought oh I ca n't find actually , there 's some here right , and she were n't gon na give them to me and I sort of went in there and got them myself .
16 But what happens to those families when they 've been housed and they gradually improve their position , do we send our officers down and say ah , you 've got some money in the bank now , you 're not in need , get out of this council house we 're gon na give it to somebody else .
17 And he 's gon na give it to Clayton .
18 Are we gon na give it to Sam ?
19 Watching every movement , and she put him on and put his blanket on the ground and he was laying there in his handful of this and so she said come to me then and she put something on the floor she said well you know you go to it , I ai n't gon na give it to you and he 's she said well no , you 've got ta try !
20 And she says , soon as she gets the money she 's gon na give it to me to give to yous .
21 I was gon na give it to Ian to take to college tonight , but he 's not in so I ca n't , so I 've got ta send it now but I ca n't address .
22 Well Oh I was gon na give it to Ian .
23 I had to get si , see I was gon na give it to you .
24 Still have n't seen him I wan na give it to him .
25 So , wh who are you gon na give it to ?
26 Yeah , I 'm gon na give it to him .
27 It 's mine , I was just gon na give it to you .
28 Er , he 's not gon na give it to you twice though is he cos I do n't reckon he would di give it to you twice .
29 No , I 'm gon na give it to Amanda and Claire because they 'll use it .
30 The tune can , of course , always bear strengthening , and this can be done either by giving it to the two trumpets in unison , and the alto and tenor parts to the tenor trombones , or by giving the alto and tenor parts to the 2nd trumpet and 1st trombone respectively and doubling the tune in the lower octave on the 2nd trombone .
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