Example sentences of "[prep] give [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She was a peach , he thought lovingly , a perfect peach , and all his , provided he was satisfied after giving her a run on the highway .
2 After giving me a bit of a rollocking they went away telling me what happened to sentries who fell asleep guarding the magazine .
3 Trustingly she slipped a small hand into one of his , and she would have gone with him anywhere , but he detached her fingers after giving them a reassuring squeeze .
4 After giving you the brush-off , as you thought , and then bellowing and being so bloody judgemental at the time Simon crashed , I had n't come over as either sensitive or supportive .
5 In spring mulch the soil around it well after giving it a good soaking , this will encourage the soil to stay moist .
6 well you know you 've only got ta give me a ring
7 You 've got ta give me a hundred .
8 And Phi , Phil 's got ta give me a hundred .
9 alright then and if not you 've got ta give me a quid
10 Well you just said you just go you just said you 've got ta give them a
11 Bu but basically we are , we are now going for land reform and if the , if th th the momentum from this is coming from the spontaneous actions of the peasants themselves , and if it 's not coming then we 've got ta give them the guidance to move in that direction .
12 So I got ta give you the hundred back , you got ta give me five back .
13 I expect somebody might of given him a lift up , I do n't know .
14 You could of given me a little bit more room .
15 Anyway , this somebody must of given her the idea , I think it was our local doctor oh you 'll be alright you know , you have to have to have them in forty eight hours you see so
16 So with it being another student union and it being like a conference in aid of the homeless and that , I did n't really want to sort of give them a load of grief so I suggested about sixty pounds .
17 So i i if you can er give me the background if I ask you to sort of give me a bit of background for the case , I 'll write it up here , and I 'll write down the solutions and see what , see what you 've done .
18 For my benefit would you just like to sort of give me a quick rattle through as as as to what you intend to do .
19 Er , er , are you going to sort of give me a timetable that I can read through to the phone and that it 's not booked up
20 We well ca n't you sort of give us an idea of what it 's about , the words and things you know and
21 and er obviously I want to sort of give you the best possible price
22 Right the idea of this little chat this briefing before we go out and do the er driving assessments next week is just to sort of give you an idea and a and a bit of an inroad into what we 're looking at and what we 'll be doing next week .
23 Can you sort of give it a sweep ?
24 She sort of give me a
25 erm so er tt I think the other thing that 'll be nice if erm er given , if the first years are filling it in er in about a week and a half 's time , if we could if you could try and bash some of the data in fairly rapidly so that , you know kind of before the end of term we can , you know , kind of give them a brief digest of how , what , what the results were
26 And they 're not just doing it for the money because , you know , if you just sort of give them a mundane task like trolleys for example , they 're banging on the door , you know , when can I get off this , when am I going to get some responsibility .
27 Oh yeah , what oh yes , oh without a doubt Joan , er you can do it , you could have the name and you could have who talked to them and , and then I can tell 'em that what , I 've done this you see and that 'd be the end of it it does suggest that you do n't tell them before you tell them after and then you sort of give them the opp the opportunity of me knocking , not recording it you see , wiping it off the tape , because it stunts the conversation .
28 erm you might as well do a bit of a erm you know kind of give it a go and see what happens
29 You know , sort of give it a good chance .
30 After all that , one of the arms fell off recently , reminding me of the time the same thing happened during a recording of Give Us A Clue .
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