Example sentences of "[prep] [adv] [verb] at " in BNC.

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1 After early bumping at the first bend , Clydal found himself in arrears and Pilot Error made the early running from Stormhill , who quickly took control down the far side and looked set to win .
2 Christian Vilaseca , 57 — who lives in Paris and heads imports of Jaguars into France — was stopped on the M6 in Lancashire by a police Range Rover after allegedly travelling at 105mph .
3 In fact love has been defined as not looking at each other , but looking in the same direction .
4 Consistent sailing means not taking too many unnecessary risks , such as not starting at the crowded end of the start line or sailing completely to one side of the beat where just one unfavourable wind shift can ruin you .
5 A WHITE daffodil with a long cup , which is still awaiting a name and which was raised by Mr Clive Postle , has won the prize for best bloom at this week 's Westminster Flower Show of the Royal Horticultural Society .
6 It was addressed to the retired rector of Alderly , admonishing him for past ingratitudes — for not returning a book , for not calling at the Grange when he knew the Springetts to be there .
7 or , or alternatively because I have n't , I have made this clear throughout , I come to the conclusion that the , the questions as posed erm or posed in any court which any one has yet suggested really ca n't , ca n't be answered or , or there are reasons for not answering at this stage whatever it may be
8 The prospect of eventually arriving at such a gruesomely underwhelming destination makes me determined to enjoy every moment on the train .
9 She is certainly very concerned with moral themes , but I do n't think that she 's moralistic in the sense of hectoringly preaching at erm at an audience to do such a and not to do other certain other kinds of things .
10 I had another serious battle getting approval for the M54 to Telford — the only road I know of finally settled at a full meeting of a Cabinet committee .
11 The easiest uses to come to grips with are exclamations such as ( 1 ) above , because they give a very clear impression of somehow looking at the infinitive event from a position before : they express a desire or longing to realize the infinitive event , so that ( 1 ) might be paraphrased " I would love to be in England …
12 It seems the collectors get a kick out of just looking at them .
13 Crawford , who was appearing on stage in Travelling Light , was being urged by fellow-star Harry H. Corbett to ask Gabrielle to dance , instead of just staring at her , but he was too tongue-tied .
14 This would be a great help , instead of just relying at present on judging conformation in the hope of reducing strain on tendons .
15 Instead of just spouting at me , I 'd just like you all to engage brain with .
16 ‘ When a painting seems bad to one , ’ he declared , ‘ one has an incontestable right , that of not looking at it and going to see others .
17 He said that " the essence of the duty seems more likely to be that of not using without paying rather than of not using at all " .
18 She 'd accused him of always looking at other women : looking , looking , as though for the next conquest .
19 and so I 'm a , I 'm a bit sort of like disturbed at the moment but erm yeah the gig on the twenty ninth yeah ?
20 Erm , most of the people I know , particularly the one 's I like , I look at them and I look at them being beautiful , just because I like them , erm , but I 'm aware of also looking at other people and thinking oh that 's gross you know
21 So get into the habit of really looking at the viewfinder picture as you line up the shot .
22 none of even bothered at all .
23 But , I mean that D P team do a lot of work on the Catty questionnaires which does n't really seem to be er sort of fully acknowledged at the moment .
24 one 's hurting the other and the other hurts back so instead of maybe looking at one another , they just do n't work hard !
25 ‘ Do you realise that you have this exasperating habit of never looking at one , Edward ? ’
26 at the expense of actually looking at , at mainline
27 ‘ There is a buzz going around that I 'm starting a band , ’ quoth Morrissey and no one could blame his Mancunian counterparts for deliberately yawning at the suggestion .
28 It 's worth also noting at this point that if you are a tenant and renting and you lose your job you are eligible for housing benefit , erm if you if you were er buying your house , although you do get some er er you get the interest I believe on your mortgage paid , there are lots of other things that do not get paid but the thing is that if you have a reduction in your income which might happen where one partner say lost a job , er you s you 're eligible for housing benefit but you get nothing as far as company paid mortgage is concerned .
29 Having more than 20 cigarettes a day doubles the risk compared with not smoking at all , and it takes about a year of non-smoking for that risk to return to normal .
30 In Cornwall the situation was reversed , with half having at least £20 and only five less than £10 ; similarly only two of the small Worcestershire sample had less than £10 .
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