Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It was on a par with the rest of their good fortune that night — save the missing of Balliol himself — for nothing could more assist their project than to drive hosts of panic-stricken and riderless horses before them through the sleeping camp .
2 Last night the atmosphere between them could not have been more different .
3 If occasionally he still dreamed of Madeleine , of holding her in his arms , kissing her , he had reconciled himself to the belief that marriage between them could only have ended in disaster .
4 The flashes of hostility between them could only make things worse .
5 Now however Ludens had stepped for a moment inside the charmed circle , and things between them could never be the same again .
6 I send that to Ben , oh if I do it now you can post it for me could n't you ?
7 A love such as his could never be ‘ untimely ’ and ‘ indelicate ’ .
8 After what could only be described as a very spirited fight a small but brilliantly coloured koi of about 7lb came to the net and I remember looking at it with disbelief that such a small fish could have pulled so hard .
9 l he general conclusion reached here was that any attempt to get behind the early church 's proclamation of Jesus to what Jesus himself had actually believed about himself could only be built on psychological conjecture and historical guesswork .
10 THE BLUEBIRD album is a collection of singing by men most of whom could n't , strictly , sing .
11 An avid reader of classical literature and a disciple of Tolstoy and Zola , she was a shining-star amongst the thousands of immigrant women in the city of Glasgow , many of whom could neither read or write .
12 DEC and Microsoft , neither of whom could ever be accused of being the least bit friendly to Unix , look for all the world like they 're ganging up to try and kill it off once and for all , using NT-on-Alpha as the blunt instrument .
13 Somehow the protestant part of me could not find it right to speak of her place in God 's order of salvation because I was afraid of her obscuring the central place of Jesus Christ in his Church .
14 Par of me could n't give a monkeys about the entire operation .
15 ‘ Your opinion of me could n't be lower , could it ? ’ she said bitterly .
16 Though they can not detain us here , an examination of them could well be a step towards dispelling them for ever .
17 But he had grown to understand that none of them could even pretend to these things .
18 The two of them could even end up working together against Lachlan .
19 The others — none of them could even ride a donkey , only Nutty … but now they sit there , knees in , heels down , on the bit — ’
20 Because the clergy were on the whole ministering to the poor , many of them could not avoid being caught up in the unrest , violence and fear .
21 The plight of the injured was an unenviable one ; several of them could not be moved .
22 But most of them could not understand his lasting despair , for was he not free and in the very home of democracy ?
23 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
24 Some of them could not believe that they had found themselves in a church , and were only stopping off en route to a nearby pub .
25 When one of them could no longer come up to the scratch line at the beginning of a round he was held to have lost the match .
26 the university has a new duty , we are told : there is a besieging host , everincreasing , of Indians , Africans , Commonwealth people in general , Levantines , who aspire to become university teachers of English literature , and must therefore have a PhD — preferably a Cambridge one ( though it is admitted that a large proportion of them could n't hope to take the English Tripos with much credit — even if they could pass ) .
27 Then each one of them could n't help noticing that the others seemed to be walking faster and faster .
28 Some of them could n't afford it .
29 Some of them could n't afford i You had I think you had to put something in .
30 If you let somebody else get stuff on your book , and some of them could n't pay it , you know , you 've no means of paying it .
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