Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] who may " in BNC.

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1 But a major difficulty remains : SSDs will be reluctant to commit themselves to picking up the bill for several months ' residential rehabilitation for someone who may have arrived in the area the previous week .
2 For example , being kept awake by a sufferer who can not sleep having to be continually watchful of someone who may do dangerous things , and having to cope with continual questioning or aggression may become unbearable .
3 Requests are often received from Doctors , Hospitals , Social Workers , or from a friend or neighbour who knows of someone who may benefit from the service .
4 For those of you who may be wondering , I am also 17 years old .
5 Right , and the background to that of course is , for those of you who may not know , Bullett was I suppose a more junior person in the State Department , when he went to Europe with Woodrow Wilson in nineteen eighteen , and nineteen whenever it was for a peace conference , and Bullett was the only one of the American delegation who resigned and confronted Wilson and said , look , you 've gone back on the fourteen points , you 're not doing what you said you would do .
6 We would also encourage any of you who may be thinking of starting to go ahead — in many areas the Local Authority will pay the fees for teachers already employed by them .
7 For those of you who may not have herad anything yet , according to a poster on r.s.s .
8 Oddly enough — those of you who may recall what it was like in the Ruhr ( or as crews called it " The Happy Valley " ) — on this occasion there was one searchlight waving about near the top of the Ruhr , and for one agonising moment it waved over the Whitley , and there was another one at the bottom by the Cologne end .
9 A wealth of new prospects can be obtained simply by asking satisfied customers if they know of anyone who may have a need for the kinds of products or services being sold .
10 How are those interests , the interests of all of us who may one day be patients of the health service , or who may become parents with children at school or at college , to be effectively represented ?
11 I think you might do better to live with him for a while , before you actually tie the nuptial knot with someone who may be borrowing your knickers for the next 60 years .
12 I would like to establish contact with anyone who may have information or data regarding them and their service .
13 Detectives trying to trace the vans — a Ford Transit and a Bedford — have appealed for information from anyone who may have sold such vehicles in recent weeks .
14 In particular the post of Secretary has become vacant and we would love to hear from anyone who may be able to help out on a temporary or more regular basis … ( see page 23 ) .
15 They are anxious to hear from anyone who may have witnessed the incident .
16 The Gwili would be very interested to hear from anyone who may have parts suitable for the carriage such as door handles , windows etc and also a 30 foot underframe .
17 The West Somerset Railway is keen to hear from anyone who may be able to donate or loan railway memorabilia from the Minehead line for display in the visitor centre .
18 Police at Limavady 66797 would like to hear from anyone who may have any information about the incidents or the identity of the man .
19 Police are keen to hear from anyone who may have any information about the attack .
20 The police want to hear from anyone who may have seen the offender — a white male , wearing a black balaclava , a brown jacket and blue jeans .
21 Detectives at Shantallow are anxious to hear from anyone who may be offered CDs in suspicious circumstances ( Tel. 367337 ) .
22 Police at Tennent Street are appealing for help from anyone who may have seen the car , which had been hijacked in west Belfast , between 11.30am and 4.15pm yesterday .
23 Miss Crowley then appealed for help from anyone who may have seen Ashworth in a number of locations around the city last Wednesday evening .
24 Bernard Seyburn would be pleased to hear from anyone who may have served with him in Singapore .
25 Officers at Banbury C I D say they 're particularly eager to hear from anyone who may have spotted people in the area this weekend .
26 ‘ We urgently appeal to anybody who may have seen it during the 48 hours in which it was missing to contact us . ’
27 ‘ Equally we want to speak to anyone who may have rented out property recently in what they consider to be suspicious or somewhat unusual circumstances , ’ said a Scotland Yard spokesman .
28 I would appeal to anyone who may have found a Suunto-ML wrist computer on site to contact me or Caernarfon police station .
29 Detectives would like to speak to anyone who may have seen the accident .
30 As a professional , an engineer may owe a duty of care to anyone who may reasonably be expected to be affected by his or her professional conduct .
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