Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] would [be] " in BNC.

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1 To talk about them would be a risk , and I just do n't like taking risks . ’
2 Er after deliberate first we wondered whether they ought to go through onto the racecourse and then we decided no probably the best place for them would be round the back of the main stand .
3 Life for me would be empty and not life , a mere dragging on of weary time , perhaps not that .
4 A good night out for me would be one where I got home and nobody had played any tricks on me .
5 We picked two poems on which it 's very easy for me to answer that kind of question because of course I did go back to the town where I was born , and erm wrote actually quite a lot of poems — well a lot , a lot for me would be four or five in that situation — of which this is probably the most successful and this one I 've put in a book .
6 Looking after me would be a burden to Colette .
7 What you 've got to rea no what you got to realise is the most obvious place for somebody would be on the bed but we could n't see anybody on the bed so the only other place is under the bed .
8 Then she began to think to herself about which would be best , nasturtiums or sweet peas .
9 It 's just a fact , nobody could predict it and there for nobody would be liable .
10 But Gentlemen for your deliberations to be useful they must be free — your opinions must not be shackled by authorities ; & I know that were I present your candor and delicacy towards me would be such , as to prevent that freedom of discussion and investigation , which is absolutely necessary to obtain a knowledge of facts .
11 One drawback of this style of argument is that not only is the harm serious for the victim , but conviction for such an offence is serious for the defendant : a single class of offenders ( rapists , serious wounders ) would contain not only those with subjective fault but also those who merely failed to take proper care , all of whom would be convict.ed of a grave offence carrying a maximum of life imprisonment .
12 By way of background information , some EPHs operate with a hierarchical structure of an Officer-in-charge ( ie the manager ) with 3 assistant officers , one of whom would be appointed as the Senior Assistant and act as deputy for the Officer-in-charge when required .
13 I do n't know , but anyone who says they were had better contend with lawyers hired by scribes such as Stephen Pile , P J O'Rourke , Matthew Parris , Patrick Collins , Peter Tinniswood , Clive Anderson et al , none of whom would be amused by the suggestion that their work was anything other than top-notch .
14 The 1861 census enumerator had caught the family at the height of its expansion ; 10 years later they were down to two children , one of whom would be leaving home very shortly .
15 Small electorates can be managed by politicians , and when the typical county might number forty to sixty freeholders in its electoral roll , while even one of the more extensive lists would rarely exceed 150 voters , many of whom would be nominally qualified , there was clearly opportunity for manipulation .
16 Before the advent of molecular genetics , screening of newborns in the United Kingdom was generally regarded as ethically unsound because no treatment was available ; it offered little advantage to the family other than the possibility of terminating all subsequent male fetuses , more than half of whom would be normal .
17 Thus , after two days in which a negotiated settlement to the original squabble seemed possible , an ultimatum to the Vietminh to clear out of Haiphong in two hours led to a bombardment which must have killed at least 1,000 people , many if not most of whom would be described as innocent civilians .
18 This would consist of a group of employees each of whom would be given the responsibility of monitoring the evacuation of a designated part of the building , checking that all rooms , toilets , cloakrooms , etc. in that area were clear of personnel and then reporting to the ‘ Senior Fire Steward ’ at a pre-determined reporting position outside the premises .
19 Now , on the chaise to Banff , Boswell planned with Johnson that they would regenerate the University of St Andrews according to the abilities or conceits of the Club members , each of whom would be granted a Faculty or two .
20 The draft constitution also proposed the replacement of the RCC by a Consultative Council with 50 members , half of whom would be appointed directly by the President and the rest elected by direct secret ballot .
21 According to some reports , the plan envisaged a 150,000-strong force ( 100,000 of whom would be Egyptian ) to act as a permanent buffer between the GCC countries and Iraq .
22 It was the beginning of ‘ a day in the life of a Stoddard Templeton representative ’ , one of the seventeen in the sales force that stretch throughout the country , each of whom would be following a similar routine .
23 He went to Ken 's flat — with Kenneth Horne ; neither of whom would be allowed to use the lavatory .
24 The Bank of England acts as banker to a variety of customers , many of whom would be atypical clients of a commercial bank :
25 It could not get hold of me and stifle me ; for it would employ only my hands and a certain section of my knowledge ; the rest of me would be free : after office hours my escape would be absolute ; and then the holidays would enable me , according to my powers and my wishes , to live another life as different as that of Jekyll from that of Hyde .
26 Atkinson , matching his attacking partner goal for goal , belted in the fourth from 20 yards , and the only question remaining after the most one-sided of first halves was which of them would be first to his hat trick .
27 It came as a shock when President Babangida said the associations were rooted in ‘ ethnic and religious bigotry ’ and that all of them would be dissolved forthwith .
28 As I stood and watched them pass by I wondered how many of them would be killed or seriously wounded by this time tomorrow afternoon .
29 Many factors can cause this but one of them would be a body temperature that is not falling fast enough in the evening .
30 There would again be an increase in the ability of a elements to overshadow c elements , but in addition the reduction of the number of c elements activated by A would mean that relatively few of them would be capable of acquiring associative strength in the first place .
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